Thursday, March 5, 2009

The ideal Russian woman

After several generations of struggle for equality, the modern American bases its relationships with men, given their rights, access to economic resources, and is not afraid to make demands man. It would have been offended by blatantly sexist saying: «Chicken - not a bird, ram - not a man». Or: «Volos long - short intellect». Speaking analyst, saying it not only points to the neglect of an adult woman, but also marks a phase of the so-called pre-Edipova complex, when a child with the world built exclusively vein - «mother-child». If at this stage of development in the mother has no husband, or he is traveling, or simply indifferent or ill-treatment of his wife, the relationship with the mother are simply disastrous for the child. All russian ladies emotions and feelings kanaliziruyutsya through the relationship with the child and lead to a paradoxical result. If a child - a boy, he could turn away from the mother to carry her in words, swear матом, drink in the black, beat his wife or girlfriend. In short, if the father is physically or psychologically absent, the result of the excessive love of a mother-son can be a misogynist. Anthropologists call this a family matriarchy. We observe the same phenomenon in the black ghettos. Russia describes as traditional patriarchy, but it is only polpravdy. Contact his side - Russian matriarchy. Patriarchy, the dominance of men in Russia incites matriarchy and the influence of women in private life.