Monday, February 23, 2009

No matter how bad your...

No matter how bad your heart aches after you have been dumped, all you want is to get your ex back. However, you can’t seem desperate in doing so. If you really want your ex back, you need to understand and follow a few simple tips that don’t make you seem like a fraught fool or total idiot.

If you want your ex back, you can make it like a game. If those cards you have are played right, then you can get what you want. If you want to achieve your goals and your desires, then knowing what to do can turn the tables and instead of you begging them for a second chance, they’ll be begging you for that second chance.

Tip Number One - Give him or her space. Your initial impulse is to always be there for your ex. However, when you do this they don’t have the opportunity to miss you. By cutting off all contact, that forces them to live life without you in it. The same goes for you. You may find yourself happier without him or her in your life. The pain of loneliness will strike hard at the both of you but for your ex, it will beg this question, “was dumping you really the smart thing to do?”

Tip Number Two - Always look your best. If your ex sees you at your best, dressed and all, chances are that he or she will realize they made a mistake. When you look as if you are not hurting, it exploits any doubt they have about the situation. Those things that your ex found irritating, they may find irresistible once more. Get control of your feelings, look your best and act happy when you are in public.

If you just follow these 2 things, it increases your chances of getting your ex back. And oddly enough, if you believe in it long enough, you may start feeling better on your own in time. That means you help yourself get better and over the pain as well as get your ex back.

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Notes in the margin.

A man looks only for one night if:


1. At ten, nine merit praise thy praise your sexuality.

2. He flatter you that you are interested in and of themselves do not tell.

3. Saves mysticism around himself. You know only his name.

4. Find at other times he is clearly not interested.

5. He only finds out your plans for this evening.

6. All his actions and proposals are aimed at early retirement and you.

7. He had a very "simple" behavior, even though you have five minutes without correction.

| European Glamour Girls |

Girls, do you know what men pay more attention?

What are the qualities we state most preferred for strong sex. According to psychologists,

Men prefer:


Women who are able to take the first step;






Men generally avoid:




flirting with other men;

not being able to dress in style;

Women prefer sex under a blanket;



Vibrators and dildo

Vibrator - a modern version of an artificial member. This is the most popular sex toy. There are simple vibrators, and have multi. Those lady who loves to stimulate clitoris vibrator, you can choose from a device to stimulate the clitoris. They vibrate and rotate. There are small, thin anal vibrators, and double that are intended both for vaginal and anal openings.

With all the variety of aids, most couples use vibrators it. According to statistics in some countries of Western Europe vibrator use nearly a third of couples. It is an additional incentive tool.

Vibrators can be operated from both the network and battery. Before you select the optimum speed vibration - experiment. Hint: the optimal rate of vibration is considered to be the speed of 80 revolutions per second. You can also use vibrators with different nozzles.

Vibrators are useful to women who do not experience orgasm during sexual intercourse with a partner. Also good to use the vibrator in love with the play and mutual masturbation. Using the vibrator makes her a lot of nice and new sensations. For men, too, are issued special vibrators that are placed on the penis. For women, the strongest sensations occur during stimulation vibrator clitoris, while men - members of a bridle. Both men and women is very sensitive area around the anus, while many men get great pleasure from vnutrianalnoy stimulation of the prostate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

7 principles of correct relations

Your attitude should be your top priority. In order to become stronger, you must abide by certain principles.

Here, the term "relationship" is used in a wide smysle.Pochemu? Because these principles are universal. They apply both to the romantic, as well as for business and for friendships.

1.Gotovnost give

One of the main problems of relationships is selfishness. It occurs when one party only, and takes no favors in return. Humans are not able to self-sacrifice, which focuses only on getting their own advantage, becoming the egoist. The ability to give is the foundation of relationships.

2.Gotovnost change

Perfect people are not there, but everyone can strive to become better. In a healthy relationship both parties are ready to change. They understand that incomplete and in some points to change themselves rather than blaming your partner. This makes the relationship stronger.

3.Umenie admit their mistakes

Do not be afraid to acknowledge their errors. But much easier to find a way to correct them.

4.Umenie listen

Learn to listen. This will help to understand the position of your partner. Make it much easier when you are ready to self (item number 1).


The law of reciprocity states that when we do good to others, they will also do good for us. We are reaping what we sowed. By supporting each other, both sides in the relationship will get what they need.


Misunderstanding is one of the basic problems of the relationship. That is why it is important that both sides were open to each other. If your partner is something that you are not satisfied, you must tell him about it. Of course, in a soft, delicate form.


In a good relationship both parties must act in accordance with what they think and speak. Keep your promises, trust each other and your relationship will become stronger.

Of course all of these principles must be adhered to and the one and the other side. But it is necessary to start with yourself, then you can build a strong, reliable relationships.

Summing up, it turns out that we must:

1. Consider the relationship as an opportunity to give

2. Be prepared to change

3. Be ready to admit their mistakes

4. Being able to listen to

5. Support partner

6. Being open

7. Be honest

Beatiful Girls

Friday, February 13, 2009

Women are attracted by the low quality of a voice man

9698Koren Episella anthropologist from Harvard University (Harvard University), USA, found that as a partner, women prefer men with a low timbre voice. The study, published in «Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology» (Proceedings of Royal Society B), reports Telegraph.

 Researcher conducted a series of experiments in a tribe of hunters and gatherers living in the north of Tanzania. Dr. Episella offered to women to hear men's voices, and to say whom they would choose for their husbands. Before starting the experiment, some entries have been processed so that the tone of voice was a little lower than the original. Most of the girls of marriageable age said that they would prefer to marry men with low voices. In their view, such men are very strong and are excellent hunters. This does not matter whether these men belong to their tribe or profits from the «civilized» world.

 When a similar experiment with recordings of women's vote was repeated in the society of boys, are, however, wish to choose a bride with a high voice. According to them, «pisklyavy» timbre is youthful and the ability to give birth to healthy children. However, they speculated that women with low voices able to gather more food…

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sexy business?

According to many psychologists, men can not tolerate Beatiful Girl who use their sexuality to manipulate them, especially when it comes to conduct serious business negotiations. They and behavior, and clothing as it poses as a bait - «on, eat me!» Men (not all!) Can klyunut it, say, once, but these women are not respected as a people business. Therefore, the benefits of such behavior would be very relative and short. The majority of business partners play in women's own attractiveness causes emotional rejection. So, ladies risked being seen as people who lack the necessary negotiating competencies and experience. The best option would be the treatment of men with the same man's position. The russian ladies is strong its weakness, but not in the business. Research Western psychologists have shown: business men prefer to deal with self-confident, powerful women.

 Techniques most often used in the women's argument (by Gregory Rozhkovskogo recommendations):

Admission «Resonance».

Injection of generalizations. First, sets the rhetorical question, then a synthesis, and, again rhetorically, already containing the necessary benefits, argue that it is not possible.

Separation of whole into parts, and their opposition.

For example: «Do not confuse black and white», «love skiing - love and sanochki drive», etc. with the «black» left opponent, and yourself - more attractive. This ensures a considerable advantage.

Beatiful Girls are often of the many evils choose the less.

Example: «You do not want that, do not want that. Here is my final offer - and then blame themselves! »

Recent studies have found a surprising thing

Recent studies have found a surprising thing: the chances of Beatiful Girls getting pregnant from a casual partner as a result of vnesupruzheskoy connection, even once, are much higher than that of a permanent partner. And more than 50% of all cases of female infidelity is in ovulation period, which takes 5-6 days in the month. It is in these days comes more than 50% of all female Edit. Moreover, usually these days a woman and lives with her husband. So, about one fifteenth the child is not only a «foreign», it is also conceived in a situation where in the uterus of women in sperm of two men. It turns out that changing the women arrange этакую «war sperm» host into the vagina. As deer are fighting over a female, and sperm are also fighting for something, to find its continuation. The reasons for this somewhat. The fact is that men unconsciously adapting the composition of his own sperm in sexual situations. For example, with a regular sexual life Ukrainian women of the average man throws a woman for every 300 million sperm, but if he suspects his wife of treason, their number is increasing by about 100 million, which means it biologically protected. If the wife is constantly at home, sick, then ... the number of sperm a man reduced to 150 million, of course, all this is done completely unconsciously, there is no reason, and biological instincts. But a lover is different. The new partner, it produces up to 600 million sperm. Thus, in quantitative terms, it exceeds the pre-rival - the regular partner. In addition, the distribution of types of sperm from a lover than a husband, and it also provides some advantages. In the sperm of any man - 1% of sperm that can fertilize the egg (they were called - «fecundating»). This young, energetic, «athletic folded» sperm. The main mass of sperm, which produces a man - it is the sperm-«murderer». They were - about 85%. They head more than fecundating sperm, and it contains toxic substances. Under the electron microscope you can see how the «murderer» approached strangers sperm in contact with them head on, releasing a portion of poison and waste, followed by «affected» spermatozoid dies. One «killer» depending on its activity could kill between 1 and 10 sperm. And yet there is a third variant - the sperm-blockers. Strictly speaking, this is the old sperm. They are generally in the uterine cavity and tubal ligation does not penetrate, and are arranged in the cervix. Not yet known why they have the strange property: to pass the sperm of one person and not to miss - the other. As is usually the percentage of sperm lover «killer» above. Therefore, when in the uterus, women are two streams - the lover and husband, the sperm lover and more active. So, and the chances of «winning» above. Suppose that on Wednesday the man had regular sex with his wife, and on Thursday or Friday, he changed his wife. Despite all marital sex, despite the fact that the husband copulate with his wife 8-10 times a month, a lover go once, he had more chances. After all, nature is very important that the largest number of children were among the most biologically adapted, the most biologically committed individuals. This ensures the homo sapiensam to survive as a species. And if the husband's low sperm activity, even if it is regularly sexually active, with a good family man, a very successful businessman, soul band, and even a wonderful person - the nature of all this spit. Moral nature zamorachivaetsya, but simply includes a biological instinct, and the spouse of such a wonderful family man begins to look for entertainment on the side. Treason wife for such благоверного can be a bolt from the blue. But the suffering and painful search for the answer to the question «Why did the wife has changed, so as she could, because I never with anyone ...» in this case is useless: the animal instinct knows nothing of morality and decency, it just provides a natural selection.Visit to:auto,zarabotok

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is a woman?

Actually it is a mystery. It is not ours. And very valuable. Do you think this is so easily? Shared with the reader. And then go with vytsarapannymi eyes. Well, not really. This is about beautiful Ukrainian women say with pleasure.

What is a woman? The atmosphere of secrecy may originate from any type of woman. In daily use the following options are known: the eternal girl Turgenevskaya girls, women balzakovskogo age, women with age, women, blue stockings, women «vamp», fateful forties, and finally, the true lady.

Does not that women are much romantic than men? You also think so? In practice this often leads to demand the approval of the stereotypes. So consider. So it should be. Relations between the sexes go back to the poetic metaphor: rough, tough vandal entices so his knees, appalled by beauty and grace of their choice.

It is important that women and men are called attacks of Romanticism from each other. According to psychologists, a prerequisite for this is, first of all, childhood. The first five years of life. And the longer the period of the child have to live without a father (because of his death, divorce or non-participation in family life), the worse may be difficulties, if any man is not an effective substitute. Girls, brought up in single-parent families, much earlier and more frequent sex, be happy to flirt with men and with difficulty maintain the strength of the family.

Women are better with the problems of adolescence, they are easier to erode idealism, maximalism. Then they can be very practical, to talk about shmotkah, makeup and other tangible.

Homo Sapiens is a remarkable species of mammals. The man is wont to spread their seed to the right and left for a variety of progeny, which determines the survival of species. On the other hand, the period of a helpless young child with human much longer than other species. Therefore, until recently a woman was imperative to retain the breadwinner. This deduction occurred, sadly now acknowledge that only in 26 th place at the expense of men’s fidelity.

Women are able to control what you want to control, and leave everything else alone. A woman who knows how to reach orgasm in bed with another man, you can even trust the management of large enterprises. This is a rare quality for any manager. The point is that the orgasm is not given to women from birth. But nothing keeps a man. It is an occasion to consider themselves supermuzhchinoy, as he secretly dreams. In fact, the female orgasm very little depends on his effort. Many women on this idea, and if they have not developed this remarkable ability, imitate passionate umopomrachenie.

As stereotypical definition, a woman should be weak, unable to resist its own hostile surrounding world, so that you can get married, in the sense to hide a stone wall. If an experienced man marries a young European Glamour Girls, you feel smarter than her, he could not for long: 5-7, a maximum of 10 years. She quickly develops all of its intellectual baggage, and then out of habit every time something is to learn ahead of her husband. Many marriages and destroyed. More clever wife begin to suffer in their husbands. But if she earns more and more …

Ah, the beauty of women is impossible, its hero (surprisingly, not only men but also women themselves) to write it in verse. But it can not tell. And, thank goodness, there is still light on such things, for which the text of prose about what a woman - always nevnyaten and impoverished in comparison with the original.

The woman, from time to time want to be on hand. But take all the women at the hands of man can not. Although deeply in love for some reason, he believes that it is his duty.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How do pheromones operate on women

Scientists argue that beatiful girls may be very subtle to detect the mood of nearby males, not only on gestures, eye movements, facial expressions, but also the smell of sweat.

It is not the first year of debate about the use of the people like animals to chemical signals known as pheromones to determine sexual interest in a potential partner. The problem is that the effect of pheromones to be subconscious, and therefore know about it consciously is impossible. Also unknown is what human pheromones and how they are perceived.

But if pheromones somewhere and hide, then surely be present in sweat. Dennis Chan, a psychologist Rice University in Houston, together with his colleagues conducted an experiment to confirm or refute this assumption. In particular, the researchers decided to investigate how women react to the smell of male sweat, depending on the conditions under which it was isolated.

A hypothesis that Ukrainian women should react differently to the sweat produced by the man in the excited state than in the usual «employment» sweats.

The study was conducted on a group of volunteers. Chen colleagues asked 20 heterosexual men to use deodorants to stop for a few days. Then they put in the armpits specific pieces of fabric, which should have been impregnated and then, as of men forced to watch pornography, that are filed (with the degree of excitation of the scientists were closely watched by means of electrodes). Then the fabric changed to a fresh male sweat, and asked as usual, not excited, state.

In the second part of the experiment from sweat samples submitted to the Court of nineteen russian ladies, but in order to capture the impact of odors on the brain, during the experiment was conducted functional MRI (it allows you to see which areas of the brain work in the current time, even if these activities are unconscious).

All the women was a different reaction to the sweat of different origin. Pot Men, produced in a state of sexual stimulation, activated right orbital-frontal part of the brain that helps to recognize the emotions and the right fusiform part in helping to perceive things. Tellingly, both areas are located in the right brain hemisphere, which is largely responsible for social interaction and emotions.

Results of studies show that people actually use the subconscious chemical signals to communicate.