Friday, February 13, 2009

Women are attracted by the low quality of a voice man

9698Koren Episella anthropologist from Harvard University (Harvard University), USA, found that as a partner, women prefer men with a low timbre voice. The study, published in «Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology» (Proceedings of Royal Society B), reports Telegraph.

 Researcher conducted a series of experiments in a tribe of hunters and gatherers living in the north of Tanzania. Dr. Episella offered to women to hear men's voices, and to say whom they would choose for their husbands. Before starting the experiment, some entries have been processed so that the tone of voice was a little lower than the original. Most of the girls of marriageable age said that they would prefer to marry men with low voices. In their view, such men are very strong and are excellent hunters. This does not matter whether these men belong to their tribe or profits from the «civilized» world.

 When a similar experiment with recordings of women's vote was repeated in the society of boys, are, however, wish to choose a bride with a high voice. According to them, «pisklyavy» timbre is youthful and the ability to give birth to healthy children. However, they speculated that women with low voices able to gather more food…

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