Sunday, February 8, 2009

Recent studies have found a surprising thing

Recent studies have found a surprising thing: the chances of Beatiful Girls getting pregnant from a casual partner as a result of vnesupruzheskoy connection, even once, are much higher than that of a permanent partner. And more than 50% of all cases of female infidelity is in ovulation period, which takes 5-6 days in the month. It is in these days comes more than 50% of all female Edit. Moreover, usually these days a woman and lives with her husband. So, about one fifteenth the child is not only a «foreign», it is also conceived in a situation where in the uterus of women in sperm of two men. It turns out that changing the women arrange этакую «war sperm» host into the vagina. As deer are fighting over a female, and sperm are also fighting for something, to find its continuation. The reasons for this somewhat. The fact is that men unconsciously adapting the composition of his own sperm in sexual situations. For example, with a regular sexual life Ukrainian women of the average man throws a woman for every 300 million sperm, but if he suspects his wife of treason, their number is increasing by about 100 million, which means it biologically protected. If the wife is constantly at home, sick, then ... the number of sperm a man reduced to 150 million, of course, all this is done completely unconsciously, there is no reason, and biological instincts. But a lover is different. The new partner, it produces up to 600 million sperm. Thus, in quantitative terms, it exceeds the pre-rival - the regular partner. In addition, the distribution of types of sperm from a lover than a husband, and it also provides some advantages. In the sperm of any man - 1% of sperm that can fertilize the egg (they were called - «fecundating»). This young, energetic, «athletic folded» sperm. The main mass of sperm, which produces a man - it is the sperm-«murderer». They were - about 85%. They head more than fecundating sperm, and it contains toxic substances. Under the electron microscope you can see how the «murderer» approached strangers sperm in contact with them head on, releasing a portion of poison and waste, followed by «affected» spermatozoid dies. One «killer» depending on its activity could kill between 1 and 10 sperm. And yet there is a third variant - the sperm-blockers. Strictly speaking, this is the old sperm. They are generally in the uterine cavity and tubal ligation does not penetrate, and are arranged in the cervix. Not yet known why they have the strange property: to pass the sperm of one person and not to miss - the other. As is usually the percentage of sperm lover «killer» above. Therefore, when in the uterus, women are two streams - the lover and husband, the sperm lover and more active. So, and the chances of «winning» above. Suppose that on Wednesday the man had regular sex with his wife, and on Thursday or Friday, he changed his wife. Despite all marital sex, despite the fact that the husband copulate with his wife 8-10 times a month, a lover go once, he had more chances. After all, nature is very important that the largest number of children were among the most biologically adapted, the most biologically committed individuals. This ensures the homo sapiensam to survive as a species. And if the husband's low sperm activity, even if it is regularly sexually active, with a good family man, a very successful businessman, soul band, and even a wonderful person - the nature of all this spit. Moral nature zamorachivaetsya, but simply includes a biological instinct, and the spouse of such a wonderful family man begins to look for entertainment on the side. Treason wife for such благоверного can be a bolt from the blue. But the suffering and painful search for the answer to the question «Why did the wife has changed, so as she could, because I never with anyone ...» in this case is useless: the animal instinct knows nothing of morality and decency, it just provides a natural selection.Visit to:auto,zarabotok

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