Friday, February 6, 2009

What is a woman?

Actually it is a mystery. It is not ours. And very valuable. Do you think this is so easily? Shared with the reader. And then go with vytsarapannymi eyes. Well, not really. This is about beautiful Ukrainian women say with pleasure.

What is a woman? The atmosphere of secrecy may originate from any type of woman. In daily use the following options are known: the eternal girl Turgenevskaya girls, women balzakovskogo age, women with age, women, blue stockings, women «vamp», fateful forties, and finally, the true lady.

Does not that women are much romantic than men? You also think so? In practice this often leads to demand the approval of the stereotypes. So consider. So it should be. Relations between the sexes go back to the poetic metaphor: rough, tough vandal entices so his knees, appalled by beauty and grace of their choice.

It is important that women and men are called attacks of Romanticism from each other. According to psychologists, a prerequisite for this is, first of all, childhood. The first five years of life. And the longer the period of the child have to live without a father (because of his death, divorce or non-participation in family life), the worse may be difficulties, if any man is not an effective substitute. Girls, brought up in single-parent families, much earlier and more frequent sex, be happy to flirt with men and with difficulty maintain the strength of the family.

Women are better with the problems of adolescence, they are easier to erode idealism, maximalism. Then they can be very practical, to talk about shmotkah, makeup and other tangible.

Homo Sapiens is a remarkable species of mammals. The man is wont to spread their seed to the right and left for a variety of progeny, which determines the survival of species. On the other hand, the period of a helpless young child with human much longer than other species. Therefore, until recently a woman was imperative to retain the breadwinner. This deduction occurred, sadly now acknowledge that only in 26 th place at the expense of men’s fidelity.

Women are able to control what you want to control, and leave everything else alone. A woman who knows how to reach orgasm in bed with another man, you can even trust the management of large enterprises. This is a rare quality for any manager. The point is that the orgasm is not given to women from birth. But nothing keeps a man. It is an occasion to consider themselves supermuzhchinoy, as he secretly dreams. In fact, the female orgasm very little depends on his effort. Many women on this idea, and if they have not developed this remarkable ability, imitate passionate umopomrachenie.

As stereotypical definition, a woman should be weak, unable to resist its own hostile surrounding world, so that you can get married, in the sense to hide a stone wall. If an experienced man marries a young European Glamour Girls, you feel smarter than her, he could not for long: 5-7, a maximum of 10 years. She quickly develops all of its intellectual baggage, and then out of habit every time something is to learn ahead of her husband. Many marriages and destroyed. More clever wife begin to suffer in their husbands. But if she earns more and more …

Ah, the beauty of women is impossible, its hero (surprisingly, not only men but also women themselves) to write it in verse. But it can not tell. And, thank goodness, there is still light on such things, for which the text of prose about what a woman - always nevnyaten and impoverished in comparison with the original.

The woman, from time to time want to be on hand. But take all the women at the hands of man can not. Although deeply in love for some reason, he believes that it is his duty.

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