Monday, February 16, 2009

7 principles of correct relations

Your attitude should be your top priority. In order to become stronger, you must abide by certain principles.

Here, the term "relationship" is used in a wide smysle.Pochemu? Because these principles are universal. They apply both to the romantic, as well as for business and for friendships.

1.Gotovnost give

One of the main problems of relationships is selfishness. It occurs when one party only, and takes no favors in return. Humans are not able to self-sacrifice, which focuses only on getting their own advantage, becoming the egoist. The ability to give is the foundation of relationships.

2.Gotovnost change

Perfect people are not there, but everyone can strive to become better. In a healthy relationship both parties are ready to change. They understand that incomplete and in some points to change themselves rather than blaming your partner. This makes the relationship stronger.

3.Umenie admit their mistakes

Do not be afraid to acknowledge their errors. But much easier to find a way to correct them.

4.Umenie listen

Learn to listen. This will help to understand the position of your partner. Make it much easier when you are ready to self (item number 1).


The law of reciprocity states that when we do good to others, they will also do good for us. We are reaping what we sowed. By supporting each other, both sides in the relationship will get what they need.


Misunderstanding is one of the basic problems of the relationship. That is why it is important that both sides were open to each other. If your partner is something that you are not satisfied, you must tell him about it. Of course, in a soft, delicate form.


In a good relationship both parties must act in accordance with what they think and speak. Keep your promises, trust each other and your relationship will become stronger.

Of course all of these principles must be adhered to and the one and the other side. But it is necessary to start with yourself, then you can build a strong, reliable relationships.

Summing up, it turns out that we must:

1. Consider the relationship as an opportunity to give

2. Be prepared to change

3. Be ready to admit their mistakes

4. Being able to listen to

5. Support partner

6. Being open

7. Be honest

Beatiful Girls

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