Saturday, January 31, 2009

What a man excited?

In preparation for this article was a small study, Express - a survey of men aged 27 to 37 years. That is, the age of specially selected the most active, "clockwork." Among the respondents' macho ': 1 Bulgarian, 3 Russians, 2 Americans, 1 Chuvash, 1 Englishman, 1 Ukrainian and 1 Georgian. Here are that the whole "excellent scores" absolutely match and were positive. So, ladies, straining Brains and memorable. From what exactly brought by men, regardless of nationality and temperament.

1. In his view, clearly gets the beatiful girls in oblegayuschey clothes. Especially men's eyes rest on obtyanutoy Popkov, breasts, thighs. The most erotic clothes men called a long dark skirt with a high on the thigh cut (or two!), So that it "inadvertently" vyglyadyvali foot rezinochkami of stockings.

This fine piece starts specifically. The same reaction for men to cut blouses with rasstegnutoy pugovkoy, which is about raspahnetsya of tension in the rough, and the button rasstegnetsya. Anyone looking at this delicious depression in the ground, hopes to see all that is hidden below and touch. And begins to worry.

2. "The whole secret of women in dresses, not keeping secrets nudity - govarivali ancient Lovelace. Contemporary with them in solidarity. All agreed that more erotic looks polurazdetaya woman, but not completely Nagaya. A man more factories if his imagination "dorisovyvaet" invisible part of the female body.

This process excites. Men love to contemplate the lady in the heart of erotic underwear, rather than in a night shirt to the floor. Especially clothes, which is only a hint: the transparent and well-cut. As for the color of clothes, a little more focus.

3. The color of women's underwear on scientific observations (of the same scientists, men) make an impact at the subconscious level. If you are a good lover, there is usually more than just spend money on the red (raspberry) and black clothes. Red operates on the lover, as noted, all 10 men, vozbuzhdayusche, izluchaya special energy. They see a woman in such accessories as lyubovnitsu, which can hold raskovanno, without any obstacles and constraints. They etakom linen see a sign: You can feel free to experiment, combining active and passive (giving women a leading role in the sexual game). If the lady suddenly yellow clothes (though the color does not instigate), the men took it that the owner of his lengthy waits quality sex, but not rabbit game for a moment.

Holder of purple and pink underwear, men are perceived as lady sensual, impassioned, but several stesnennuyu moral norms and prejudices.

The woman in blue underwear, men feel (sorry) "beam in bed", which should work, work. And all without result. This lazy lady looks only at the active partner. In general, blue linen for the most ill-considered our "ten".

Green clothes, think they are on a woman who wants only one of the partner, and a brown women prefer sexually repressed.

White. He saw our lovers for most women. See it neutrally, without a mark on a particular individual inclination.

That's the color layout. Keep in mind its buying regular women's things. And remember, lovely ladies, that much more important is your behavior in bed. Even the most correct and erotichnoe clothes will not help if you are lazy, zakompleksovannaya neumeha sex.

4. Of course, all the men (and the interviewees in the first place) like when a woman appreciates it (out loud and repeatedly) as "a great lover." Admiringly looks. Not just watching, and the duration of the male sees his dignity, "raising" his eyes "iznemogayuschey of female desire." What does this mean? He knows any woman who loves sex. And you know any man who loves a woman.

5. Men admitted that very excites if they suddenly find out that no Beatiful Girl in their underwear. This "delayed-action bomb"! If you have a favorite news reporting during a slow dance at a party in the crowded nightclub. Do not be surprised if he was then urgently drag you in a quiet corner and do something pleasant. Hamper useless themselves provoked "African passion".

6. Of course, your favorite forget about tiredness and trouble working day, if you met him at the door almost golenkoy (in one or byustgaltere belt of stockings) with innocent eyes. Take for a tie and leads straight into the bedroom, where he will see not only break postelku, zadvinutye curtains, but elegant dinner for two at the table.

7. None of the dozens of not deny itself the pleasure of this: when suddenly his favorite moves and caresses his gun through the pockets of trousers. And doing those numbers almost prilyudno (but quietly!): At a party at the stadium, in the theater (!) And elsewhere.

8. The same men agreed that they like "extreme traveler." When a woman is not simply poglazhivaet their treasure when riding in a car, as it has done something pokruche. The main thing in such dangerous games - look at the road and not get involved in high speed.

9. And, of course, all you want your lover by offering the most unexpected places for sex: from an abandoned shed with senovalom escalator to the subway!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where is the woman to get acquainted with a man

Introduction: Theory and Practice

Cupid arrows do not know the rest. For them, there is no barrier. They can nastignut us everywhere - in university labs and student dormitories, schools and shops, in offices with евроремонтом and ZhEKe. In buses, trains, parks and even in hospitals. At work and at leisure. These insidious boom nastigayut us when we do not expect. And immediately - sick ... Let's try to analyze where the highest probability of being infected by the disease, the name of love. The disease is considered to be meeting or acquaintance, so it is them we podvergnem detailed review - place to meet the likelihood of a successful place prodolzheniya.Pervoe divided friendship during their studies and work.

During his studies


Here, a great variety of options - learning can take place in schools, universities, the training courses. Universities can be found, or in his native city, or in another, separation from mother to father. But all the while dating a variety of studies have much in common - it is very easy and unostentatious acquaintance. Because you meet and communicate on the case: the real or to - what is, in principle, the difference. Moreover, there are many situations where several Amuro nosyatsya in the air - one failing: the joint preparation for exams, prolonged into the night, summer or autumn, the practice of collective farm, student dining room - nothing brings together a meal that can not be eaten. And if you're no longer a student, and so no longer a schoolboy, do not worry - the terms are so many courses where you are waiting.


She studied at our institute, one beatiful girls. Her name was Light. It was a very good girl, she lived with my mother, and none met the five years of study. On the distribution of it rydala three-stream - in her hometown she did not have jobs. Light and drove in a foreign city to work and live in a dormitory. It so happened that we arrived there a lot, but Light still weep away half-year - old girl was home and very bored. In winter, she was sent for training in the Domodedovo, and left it again in tears. But a month later came the Light shining like a new penny: it met in the course of a young man, they soon married and had to leave it in Peter. And if she could stay in his native town?

Pluses: You see people often and in different circumstances.

Disadvantages: You can pick up twos or even out of school.

At work


What good are they dating - is being closer to the man in the everyday environment, one can observe the reactions of people in everyday situations: for example, shout at the chief or during lunch burger fell on the suit. And just as in the case of the study, you have a common cause. A total otmechaniya holidays, travel mushrooms or at sea at the weekend - This is a romantic component, which gives impetus to the development of these relations.


Some time ago I worked at the factory, one of the bureau. Team podobralsya young and cheerful. During the first six months, was formed three pairs. The Chief looked at us with inexpressible sorrow. As it turned out, predchuvstviya he was not deceived ...

Pros: There is always a topic for razgovora.Minusy: Can hit the manufacturing process or your reputation, if you have a very different position.

The second meeting took place with the participation of common acquaintances.


Most common situation: you come to the birthday of his married girlfriend (married friend), and they meet him (her). Or do you introduce your special general acquaintances. There is a natural variant svatovstva: your older relatives to help you decide, and you are trying to find the second half. And while this is all the different emotions of snishoditelnoy smiles to the terrible outrage, often the case that such meetings were very successful continuation.


I have two friends. Both Tani. One of them acquainted with the man for whom she later married. And she is very encouraged by this way of acquaintance, has decided to introduce Tanyu-2 with a friend of his boy - how would pass the baton. But once it does not zaladilos. At first, Tanya-1 was going to take druzhkoy girlfriend to the wedding, but Сашу (the so-called candidate for the introduction) - Boyarina. But if druzhkoy all out, with no boyarinom - Sasha has not been able to come. Then there were attempts to Number 2 and 3, but they failed. We all decided that it was not destiny. But Tanya-1 did not give up. He was taken counterstroke: Tanya and Sasha Cross were invited to a newborn daughter Tani-1. At krestinah they first observed. And it really was destiny.

Pluses: There you have decided to part. Just a good option for nereshitelnyh people.

Disadvantages: Many people do not carry such an intervention in their lives.

In third place were dating services.


The long-range, for a place to put these contacts. Usually there is something, but there must be patience, endurance and a clear knowledge of what you want. It would seem that with such a calculating approach Amuru do nothing. But no, the number of the successful continuation of dating high enough. Personally, I am confused by the large field to choose. And all of this seems somewhat tedious.


One very nice guy, sociable, and "no bad habits" met his future wife on the ad. I did not pass, said:

- What is it? You're also easy to get acquainted with the beatiful girl?

- Of course, it is easy. But just as easily and rasstayus. And then another. Maybe it was a pity to spent time, who knows? Or all the same fate?

Pluses: Wide range.

Disadvantages: Large selection. It is not always consistent with the validity of the information provided in the ad.

Fourth place favored resort novels.


Oh, those dlinnonogie beauty in bikini! Even yesterday, they were invisible accountants or teachers, but now men are falling, and are folded in stacks. The course of severe illness, fever, palpitation. But the holiday is over, and all the symptoms pass quickly. Continuation of the case, but very rarely.


Dasha always distrust related to new acquaintances at sea. One day she came in a small seaside town. The girl came to the aunt, and frankly bored. But still, all the adhesive kurortnikov she politely otshivala. And then history happened that changed her life. Storm. Dasha loved to swim in such weather. And though it is well to swim, this time Dasha nearly drowned. She pulled ashore guy. Artificial respiration do not have to. And learn they met. The remaining week they were not separated, and it turned out that they are from one city. And now they are still together.

Pros: Very romantic.

Disadvantages: In order to further the successful continuation of friendship must be able to write. Or be prepared for a large bill for the phone.

Fifth place solidly won acquaintances on the Internet.


Now very popular read in chat rooms. But we must tell you - the projections are not very reassuring. In the real and the Internet - two different people. Our virtual image somewhat stronger reveals our inner essence, because we have learned to be Reale masks and closed. On the other hand, we have virtual - is in many ways is what we want to be in real life, but lacks the courage. Here you will find wonderful virtual buddy (and, incidentally, is not as easy as it seems). You know it tastes and take a bunch of compliments your mind and sense of humor. That is still no love, and understanding have already been established. Yes, unless you went beyond the virtual friendship, it's just great. But you decided to do so to meet a living. That's all. Well, or not quite all, but in any case, light or heavy shock frustration with eye contact, you experience. But Internet dating potential is, in fact, you can slowly learn the views of each other on any global or not a value. So derzayte!


In one chat met Kisa and NEO. They were one of the city. They communicate very well at first in a chat, and then on ICQ. Once all Tradititional visitors chat, it was decided to drink пивка. Popili, pereznakomilis. Kisa was very attractive tolstushkoy, but does not taste NEO. They continue to chat, but love is not everything is translated.

Pros: Ability to slowly learn the tastes of another.

Disadvantages: It does not always match the virtual and real friend.

At the sixth spot - Getting on trains, on the streets, public transport, shops.


You do not have much to say - with every one of us happened that something like this, and, with rare exceptions, nothing putnogo of this goes.


Allochka - a very pretty European glamour Girls and made sociable. She manages to get acquainted everywhere, even at the reception with a dentist. Last spring, she was going to her parents on the train. Her neighbor on the coupe was a very likeable guy. They talked a lot, but came out smoking. Guy vyskakival at the stops and returning to the pies, pear, water and even flowers. In general, Allochka by the end of the road just rastayala. They exchanged telephone and parted. A Allochka discovered that she had lost money - quite a large amount. After that incident, it has become more cautious.

Pluses: You depends whether or not to continue the acquaintance.

Disadvantages: The dating for some reason do not like mothers.

The next type of friendship I had made in a separate item and can not pinpoint its location: Meeting of former classmates.


The rare cases. But oddly enough, almost always with good extension - in the school the focus is not seen each other, but then passes a year, two or even all ten years, and found that it erupts. And Cupid is already there as here, and usually not promazyvaet.


One, my friend said that was srazhena saw his former odnoklassnika in flight form. "You see, we are at school always falls in love with those who are older. His not noticed. And then - a handsome man. And I, too, has changed. Pohudela, learned to paint. Odevatsya again it was the best." They were to meet. And now they have grown daughter.

Pluses: You already know, you already have, what to say.

Disadvantages: You have been familiar, can be a problem with romance.

Perhaps everyone has that add. Therefore, this article does not purport to be complete. There is a chance to discover everywhere. And any. And only two of you to determine whether the continuation of the friendship. And whether it would be successful.

Ten differences between boys and girls

Science states: no evidence in favor of the fact that beatiful girls brains were arranged in a different way than men, it is not known, however, it is clear that men and women differ not only visually. What is the reason for these differences - a controversial issue, there are many compelling arguments in favor of the fact that different men's and women's societal.

1. When the boys are like beatiful girl, they prikidyvayutsya smart. And girls are like when the boys prikidyvayutsya stupid. Boys prikidyvayutsya clever, because it understood: all other things being equal a smart more chances. And girls - if the boy had not so much strain, pretending that he is smarter.

2. Boys never nadenut nothing uncomfortable for beauty. A girl never nadenut anything ugly sake of convenience. Among boys, except to the heroes of Hollywood movies, who like to climb onto the roof of a train in the long cloak-and-tumble of dirt in the white shirt, and peppers, which are acquainted with the parents loved the girl. Among the girls there are no exceptions. If the girl said that odelas because of duratski for convenience, then it koketnichaet - again, it has a bad taste - two.

3. In bed, boys were afraid that the girl did not end. And girls are afraid that the boy konchit too fast. It only seems that the boys said altruism and concern for girls shkurnye interests. Boys make girls finish in first place for their own pleasure - when they feel this is very steep. And girls are experiencing for boys, where everything is happening too quickly, because it knows how the boys because of this frustrating.

4. Boys problems with induction. Girls with deduktsiey. All the fun of the women's logic. Yes, girls really happen problems umozaklyucheniyami from the general to private, so they are difficult to conclusions about the fact that what should be: whether he likes me, so sleep with me, whether he sleeps with me, therefore, does not like - scat разберись, but the boys are even worse - they are not able to inferences from private to general, as well, the representative of a strong sex is not able to understand that if he was asked to not be late for your birthday and call for a time in which he promised hence, to visit the park, too, is to arrive on time.

5. The boys are trying to be like European glamour Girls, and girls want to be like boys. And it spoke in favor of the fact that the boy be better. On the other hand, if you think twice: before you - a girl, you can be proud of such things, that the boy be proud of as stupid as the fact that he is a member (and, incidentally, some consider it sufficient reason for pride), for example, its financial independence.

6. The boys believe that the more they are a member, the better, and girls do not think so, because they know, this is painful.

7. The boys know how to find a common language with the computer, and girls are able to find common language with the boys, who are able to find common language with computers. Nobody knows why the boys with all the computers get better than that of girls. There is a suspicion that the girls simply have no incentive to develop their abilities in this direction, if they are involved with such zeal boys. Ever since the first Manufactories known: the division of labor increases productivity, and why deprive the boys another opportunity to demonstrate our superiority?

8. Girls overestimate the ability to think for boys, while boys underestimate the ability of the same girls. Contrary baykam the weakness of the female intellect, girls are able to build a complex strategy to win, prirucheniyu, re-boys. But these policies often do not work. And all because they are based on a strong assumption - the boys are able to think: "And then he thought that I ..." he did not think, and not because the fool. And because he believes that girls do not know how to think, so it can and it does not strain.

9. Boys are not as emotional as girls. More like, from early childhood girls pity when they cry and abuse of boys, girls praise when they crash on dedushkinoy neck in a fit of tenderness and boys call to be more restrained, so let the boys know: their iron character - not their merit and girls become wet on parental mercy. So let us without mutual claims.

10. Boys are drawn to the girls, and girls - to boys. Girls like to meet and swearing in general, and his boys in particular. The boys talk about girls is not so often, but if you still do it, you can not resist and do without ironic comment, however, run for girls, boys and girls - for boys. Weird but true.

Where is the woman to get acquainted with a man

Introduction: Theory and Practice

Cupid arrows do not know the rest. For them, there is no barrier. They can nastignut us everywhere - in university labs and student dormitories, schools and shops, in offices with евроремонтом and ZhEKe. In buses, trains, parks and even in hospitals. At work and at leisure. These insidious boom nastigayut us when we do not expect. And immediately - sick ... Let's try to analyze where the highest probability of being infected by the disease, the name of love. The disease is considered to be meeting or acquaintance, so it is them we podvergnem detailed review - place to meet the likelihood of a successful place prodolzheniya.Pervoe divided friendship during their studies and work.

During his studies


Here, a great variety of options - learning can take place in schools, universities, the training courses. Universities can be found, or in his native city, or in another, separation from mother to father. But all the while dating a variety of studies have much in common - it is very easy and unostentatious acquaintance. Because you meet and communicate on the case: the real or to - what is, in principle, the difference. Moreover, there are many situations where several Amuro nosyatsya in the air - one failing: the joint preparation for exams, prolonged into the night, summer or autumn, the practice of collective farm, student dining room - nothing brings together a meal that can not be eaten. And if you're no longer a student, and so no longer a schoolboy, do not worry - the terms are so many courses where you are waiting.


She studied at our institute, one beatiful girls. Her name was Light. It was a very good girl, she lived with my mother, and none met the five years of study. On the distribution of it rydala three-stream - in her hometown she did not have jobs. Light and drove in a foreign city to work and live in a dormitory. It so happened that we arrived there a lot, but Light still weep away half-year - old girl was home and very bored. In winter, she was sent for training in the Domodedovo, and left it again in tears. But a month later came the Light shining like a new penny: it met in the course of a young man, they soon married and had to leave it in Peter. And if she could stay in his native town?

Pluses: You see people often and in different circumstances.

Disadvantages: You can pick up twos or even out of school.

At work


What good are they dating - is being closer to the man in the everyday environment, one can observe the reactions of people in everyday situations: for example, shout at the chief or during lunch burger fell on the suit. And just as in the case of the study, you have a common cause. A total otmechaniya holidays, travel mushrooms or at sea at the weekend - This is a romantic component, which gives impetus to the development of these relations.


Some time ago I worked at the factory, one of the bureau. Team podobralsya young and cheerful. During the first six months, was formed three pairs. The Chief looked at us with inexpressible sorrow. As it turned out, predchuvstviya he was not deceived ...

Pros: There is always a topic for razgovora.Minusy: Can hit the manufacturing process or your reputation, if you have a very different position.

The second meeting took place with the participation of common acquaintances.


Most common situation: you come to the birthday of his married girlfriend (married friend), and they meet him (her). Or do you introduce your special general acquaintances. There is a natural variant svatovstva: your older relatives to help you decide, and you are trying to find the second half. And while this is all the different emotions of snishoditelnoy smiles to the terrible outrage, often the case that such meetings were very successful continuation.


I have two friends. Both Tani. One of them acquainted with the man for whom she later married. And she is very encouraged by this way of acquaintance, has decided to introduce Tanyu-2 with a friend of his boy - how would pass the baton. But once it does not zaladilos. At first, Tanya-1 was going to take druzhkoy girlfriend to the wedding, but Сашу (the so-called candidate for the introduction) - Boyarina. But if druzhkoy all out, with no boyarinom - Sasha has not been able to come. Then there were attempts to Number 2 and 3, but they failed. We all decided that it was not destiny. But Tanya-1 did not give up. He was taken counterstroke: Tanya and Sasha Cross were invited to a newborn daughter Tani-1. At krestinah they first observed. And it really was destiny.

Pluses: There you have decided to part. Just a good option for nereshitelnyh people.

Disadvantages: Many people do not carry such an intervention in their lives.

In third place were dating services.


The long-range, for a place to put these contacts. Usually there is something, but there must be patience, endurance and a clear knowledge of what you want. It would seem that with such a calculating approach Amuru do nothing. But no, the number of the successful continuation of dating high enough. Personally, I am confused by the large field to choose. And all of this seems somewhat tedious.


One very nice guy, sociable, and "no bad habits" met his future wife on the ad. I did not pass, said:

- What is it? You're also easy to get acquainted with the beatiful girl?

- Of course, it is easy. But just as easily and rasstayus. And then another. Maybe it was a pity to spent time, who knows? Or all the same fate?

Pluses: Wide range.

Disadvantages: Large selection. It is not always consistent with the validity of the information provided in the ad.

Fourth place favored resort novels.


Oh, those dlinnonogie beauty in bikini! Even yesterday, they were invisible accountants or teachers, but now men are falling, and are folded in stacks. The course of severe illness, fever, palpitation. But the holiday is over, and all the symptoms pass quickly. Continuation of the case, but very rarely.


Dasha always distrust related to new acquaintances at sea. One day she came in a small seaside town. The girl came to the aunt, and frankly bored. But still, all the adhesive kurortnikov she politely otshivala. And then history happened that changed her life. Storm. Dasha loved to swim in such weather. And though it is well to swim, this time Dasha nearly drowned. She pulled ashore guy. Artificial respiration do not have to. And learn they met. The remaining week they were not separated, and it turned out that they are from one city. And now they are still together.

Pros: Very romantic.

Disadvantages: In order to further the successful continuation of friendship must be able to write. Or be prepared for a large bill for the phone.

Fifth place solidly won acquaintances on the Internet.


Now very popular read in chat rooms. But we must tell you - the projections are not very reassuring. In the real and the Internet - two different people. Our virtual image somewhat stronger reveals our inner essence, because we have learned to be Reale masks and closed. On the other hand, we have virtual - is in many ways is what we want to be in real life, but lacks the courage. Here you will find wonderful virtual buddy (and, incidentally, is not as easy as it seems). You know it tastes and take a bunch of compliments your mind and sense of humor. That is still no love, and understanding have already been established. Yes, unless you went beyond the virtual friendship, it's just great. But you decided to do so to meet a living. That's all. Well, or not quite all, but in any case, light or heavy shock frustration with eye contact, you experience. But Internet dating potential is, in fact, you can slowly learn the views of each other on any global or not a value. So derzayte!


In one chat met Kisa and NEO. They were one of the city. They communicate very well at first in a chat, and then on ICQ. Once all Tradititional visitors chat, it was decided to drink пивка. Popili, pereznakomilis. Kisa was very attractive tolstushkoy, but does not taste NEO. They continue to chat, but love is not everything is translated.

Pros: Ability to slowly learn the tastes of another.

Disadvantages: It does not always match the virtual and real friend.

At the sixth spot - Getting on trains, on the streets, public transport, shops.


You do not have much to say - with every one of us happened that something like this, and, with rare exceptions, nothing putnogo of this goes.


Allochka - a very pretty European glamour Girls and made sociable. She manages to get acquainted everywhere, even at the reception with a dentist. Last spring, she was going to her parents on the train. Her neighbor on the coupe was a very likeable guy. They talked a lot, but came out smoking. Guy vyskakival at the stops and returning to the pies, pear, water and even flowers. In general, Allochka by the end of the road just rastayala. They exchanged telephone and parted. A Allochka discovered that she had lost money - quite a large amount. After that incident, it has become more cautious.

Pluses: You depends whether or not to continue the acquaintance.

Disadvantages: The dating for some reason do not like mothers.

The next type of friendship I had made in a separate item and can not pinpoint its location: Meeting of former classmates.


The rare cases. But oddly enough, almost always with good extension - in the school the focus is not seen each other, but then passes a year, two or even all ten years, and found that it erupts. And Cupid is already there as here, and usually not promazyvaet.


One, my friend said that was srazhena saw his former odnoklassnika in flight form. "You see, we are at school always falls in love with those who are older. His not noticed. And then - a handsome man. And I, too, has changed. Pohudela, learned to paint. Odevatsya again it was the best." They were to meet. And now they have grown daughter.

Pluses: You already know, you already have, what to say.

Disadvantages: You have been familiar, can be a problem with romance.

Perhaps everyone has that add. Therefore, this article does not purport to be complete. There is a chance to discover everywhere. And any. And only two of you to determine whether the continuation of the friendship. And whether it would be successful.

Overbearing woman: femina a la the new century

There is a quiet and peaceful natural blonde, one gets good wife, accurate and reasonable hostess mother. There impulsivnye and daffy brunettes. They head to the hurricane, and their passions can be compared only with the tsunami. There shatenki from blondinok go, but to bryunetkam never came. But there is light at the power of women, women shun. They have a great classic and not write at all, was not in the times of Chekhov. Their problems, and problems with them - creation of the XXI century.

What is she, a strong and overbearing, femina a la the new century? It is high (not inflated to the dramatics, but it is adequately high) self-esteem. She is well aware of their real strengths, and with the event, which is in a critical or simply requiring a rapid response situations, know how to use them. She has excellent intuition and business acumen, she is able to podstroitsya, wait and wait, get yourself in his hands, and then strike. But all of this in business, science, in a word, in the business sphere, but in ordinary life ... loneliness, tears in the pillow and the crazy desire to become another.

She did not hit in the face of the mud

Her character is formed in the five years, it has a leader, beginning in kindergarten. Can make decisions, to answer for their actions, solve problems, to face serious hardship and move forward with dignity. It has been successful in business. But nezadacha with loved ones can not get on with - too demanding, children do not develop relationships - strict and cruelty, no friends - male is not forgiving disposition.

In power, women formed a stereotype, which is the skeleton of her personality:

- No one will do it better than I;

- I have experience in resolving difficult situations, so you do not need advice from outside;

- Who are not with me is against me;

- There are two views: improper for me.

Why is this happening?

First, on its way overbearing lady meets example worthy of emulation. After all, overbearing woman intelligent and will not persuade ourselves that it is better if you can see, indeed, superior her partner, friend or colleague.

Secondly, there beshenoe halt its drive to be better in all schools, institutes, in the service. And to do so in the meantime just. Show that there is an area where her talents will be better, for example, family, or a flower, or a cross embroidery, theoretically it could be anything.

And thirdly, no one put obstacles it vlastnosti and conviction «I should do something better than all» gradually grew into a hypertrophied life principle: «All of us must do the same as me, because I am correct, intelligent, integrated, beautiful and so on », the list can be expanded infinitely. Gradually, the woman's life, attention is turning in full azhur at work and at home in utter nightmare.

Strong woman cries?

We can not say that the strength and power of beatiful girls is not enough fans. Though otbavlyay, but not all of it. Strong women are attracted weak men (remember the fact that opposites attract? So it is pure truth). By the strong women, men dragged lower as a strong women such dislike. Again lukavaya fate podbrasyvaet powerful, intelligent and beautiful two versions of events. They are home or harpy, which leave their husbands, and children are neglected any of their boards (and even reasonable). Or overbearing lady turns into a general in a skirt, tired of battles won, defeated the removal from power and dryahleyuschego in bryuzglivom old alone.

Beware joke responsibility

The main problem of power and clever in that it does not make concessions itself. A simple example: You can ponezhitsya bed in the morning, at plyunuv not vymytuyu the evening dishes, neprigotovlenny breakfast, or something similar, but ... How so? She is responsible, accurate and strong-willed. Since this is nothing and everything starts, and then more. Insulting, you know, if someone does not close the same as you. You do not want to - make! All the first step for the formation of hypertrophied vlastnosti made.

Another pitfall for the intelligent and autonomous: the phrase «worse than I» and the desire potyagatsya men. As a woman should know «three K»: kinder, kuche, kirche (famous formula about the merits of a German woman). No, it does not happen to live so, women's emancipation!

The second step towards becoming a home-made monster, too. And the finishing touch to the portrait sovremennitsy - caring for the children. Careful mom is becoming a svirepogo mentor, who goes from terpenya with Chad's favorite forms of autonomy: «I am for him and he to me ...» Done, dear, you are a classically unhappy, strong, smart and lonely among the closest.

Recipes antivlastnoy therapy

The main part of the recipe - to repeat itself (and preferably more often) «I am not like that». This is the magic words from the change of values and life priorities. Now and forever - you do not have to answer for everything. Smart will not go up the hill. You will have to follow for them and not allow ourselves to fling at ambrazuru.

Start with home affairs, for example, highlight each member of the home team its field activities and not to do their work. In case of a failure in children, husband, parents, play the role of secular ladies who are genuinely perplexed over the incident a misunderstanding, but does not know how to get out of this situation. Your mother quickly bored waiting for the implementation of basic and familiar things. And they call troublemaker to order.

Coming to work, go memories. Remember reprizu Klara Novikova: «This is what we have to be duroy to be intelligent, smart, and what to look duroy!» You are in fact smart, well, that's not berites once for all, do not work for others, live for yourself, your favorite and keep winning smile Smile (forgiven for it, believe me, very much). Do not argue, it is difficult, but the result is worth the efforts. You cease to be a man in a skirt, you will begin to make compliments, and who knows, maybe you will meet the only, the appearance that you least expect in the workplace.

Well, finally. Remember heroine «The Taming of the Shrew»? Now! And let your wisdom vlastnost change compliant, smarmy and smart enslaver, which is seeking his, but quietly, without pressure, and saber-rattling. Believe me, this is a strong women's power over the floor, and everything else illusion created by our cruel century.

Psychotherapy for the "Iron beatiful girl"

Every day, as morning gymnastics, you have to do a simple exercise in front of the mirror. Looking carefully at his reflection, provide a volume of literary salon lady of the XIX century, the modern model or a star of the show program. A bit capricious, just vzbalmoshnoy and manernoy. All day you have to take place in such a manner and behave accordingly. You will see how everything around you will change, as if by magic.

Comment: Anna Gurina, director of the Institute of practical psychology «TERRA»

Generally strong women can be divided into 2 types: «real» and included in the role. The first is unlikely to disturb the status quo, it's a natural habitat for them - power. But the second time they came to assume such a role (perhaps after a divorce, or when you move to a leadership position or, as the saying goes, «because life is»), and at one point was the role of managing behavior zaigravsheysya with power women. The game is like a trap, so it's important to know the enemy in the face and all his tricks and gimmicks. And the enemy, in fact, you yourself, to be exact - your behavior. When it was an opportunity to relax and not do overtime work, and you have persuaded themselves, find the arguments ... there you are, and the first trick. In the upbringing of the child, or communicating with the opposite sex to you is easier to operate from a position of strength, rather than love and care - that's two. Recall a situation where you enter in the role of «strong European glamour Girls», to solve any problem, and try pofantazirovat: but as yet could come to get the best results? Without doubt, this is enormous - to correct the habitual behavior, it is in such situations is to ask for help from a psychologist who can see with you the model «all paints» and to develop an alternative model, the one that will comfortably strong woman from the outside and fragile inside.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The recipe for marital happiness, or should a woman be smart?

«Women are glupenkie what the fascination and horror of what Dura», - said

Жванецкий. There are two options. Third is not given. Smart women are not taken into consideration. It does not exist. As a species, as a class, as a person.

Yes, I'm joking. But - false tale, but it hints ...

How often hear:

«Well, fool, an absolute fool! But as well ustroilas ... And her husband - pure gold. The other - a complete sentence, life awry. And this ... », - and envy sochitsya of these words. Justified, by the way, envy.

But a small detail: whether such a fool? Maybe this is not congenital stupidity, and worldly wisdom, which dictates a woman: do not be smarter than her chosen one. You do not need to be stronger than he.

The man wants to be strong. It is rooted in it since the caves and rock charts. Male - getter. Anyone who was able to fire pritaschit sablezubogo tiger skin, a piece of mammoth privolok for hot - demand. Anyone who has only pity mouse caught only because she had a broken leg, do not need anyone. He was not in a position to support a family. His rod vymret.

And how a man feels that dovolok before the entrance to the cave mammoth carcass and suddenly discovered that it had already delivered a nice home to dozens of mammoths, cave bears and a pair of tigers - for polovichka in bed? Whether he feels, should be recognized. The first thought that zakradyvaetsya in his head: «Why, indeed, I need it?».

Here it is, the critical time of marriage. The man felt unnecessary. With this second, he sees his Glamour Girls lives with suspicion. She is too independent. She is too independent. Moreover, it allows me to criticize his hunting trophies. Reacted with disdain for his methods of hunting. She said he was too stupid and weak to provide her with a comfortable life. And even if it does not say it shows that all of its behavior. She dared to throw them dobytuyu mamontyatinu, which was that the meat had already protuhlo. «Honey, are you me, of course, sorry, but until you taschilsya three days this fileynoy clippings, she poobtrepalas. Look, here you zatsepilsya of bitches, and pieces of flesh stuck crust. But traces of what you portage flesh on the ground ... too many germs. Sorry, but you will have to be disposed of. In an extreme case, give the dog. Maybe it eat ... ».

But the meat is served to a table. Three times a day. Artistic baked in banana leaves. The meat produced has not ...

In the meantime, around vertyatsya single women who delight poglyadyvayut at the notorious tenderloin, abandoned dogs. Beatiful girl who are not able to extract the meat.

Remember the movie «Moscow does not believe in tears»? The canonical case - a man takes a woman because she earns more than he. And he has such a principle: a man should be dobytchikom family. It's wife-chief (in this case - the director of the factory) to anything.

So what? Women should keep even the dreams of a career? They can not even think that to earn something more than money to the secretary selsovete?

Yes do! All can be - and the career and salary, anything. Even in this very kinoshnom example, a man finally returned. But here's the secret - why he is back. Indeed, the principles have not changed. But ... it is understood that the head of the family - this is not the one who makes more money, a large mammoth carcass, a fluffy tiger skin. He understood the most important: it is - you need. Let his choice - the director of the plant, though it has such a salary, which he had not even dreamed of. Let. But there is something that can only do it. He does not just need it, he - is necessary.

You do not pay attention to the curious fact: «CID» far less likely to drop out of their husbands. The motivation is simple: «What it will do without me? It is fool. It has to take care of themselves can not ». Duru Roll - it's like to throw a blind kitten. Not every hand is raised.

The further emancipation comes, the more we hear women's complaints to men. Classical complaint: the whole house for me! I earn, I obstiryvayu, I cook, I have children. And he - like a child, you'd like to nurse. It does not work, lay on the couch all day. Sponger!

Yes, the boarder. Therefore boarder that it immediately, from the first day of marriage, set in an environment that he did not feel fit. Do not see where can exert their strength and energy. As a result of these forces prikladyvayutsya very peculiar. A woman needs a child, which she could nurse? Please! Here is her «baby».

Of course, sometimes it's just gigolo. But in such «detkami» become quite normal initially men. They just do such. Among the best of intentions. And then, of course, heard rydaniya Cinderella.

Do you think that a woman who made a career, raised children in bezdelnika-husband - and all alone! - Brain? Nothing of the sort. Using the classification Zhvanetsky it - «horror what fool».

Smart woman has the opportunity to be in the eyes of her husband «charm of glupenkoy», to be «duroy» in the best sense of the word. Toy duroy, which need to worry that you can not leave - because it needs the support and reliance. Next to a «duroy» man feels Hercules breaking fall nemeyskogo lion bylinnym hero won enemies, cave man who puller its nice svezhezadavlennogo (with his bare hands!) Tiger for elegant loincloths ... He feels necessary.

And in fact to make a man feel needed, that he was convinced that the most appropriate, do not want to throw a forward-looking or portray itself clinical idiotku. Just will not occur in the favorite male callouses. Enough to give way to a man place the head of the family. Suppose a woman's voice will be only consultative, not decisive. Believe me, a man who feels a need, rasshibetsya in lepeshku to do for his woman everything that she wants. And in fact it will be a crucial advisory vote. Quiet and calm. Laskovyj and gentle. And no team ( «Thou shalt do as I want!»).

We eventually learned to deal with the Chiefs. On this subject written by a variety of benefits. Including women. And everywhere that: the chief can not be inconsistent. More precisely, it is possible, but ... in some way. Do not tell the Chief: «You're wrong!». This is the right way to dismissal. The same point could be referred to another: «Your idea is great! I just want to make some clarification ... ». If the chief is smart, he, of course, understand that these refinements completely replace his idea to another. But again, if he is smart, he will see which of the ideas better. Such wording proposal would save face, and the chief and staff to achieve its goals.

We all know that. The annex to the work and career. But why not make such an art of command in their own family? If you say to her husband: «Dear, your idea is great!» - He simply grow as ferns of Ivan Kupala. And the idea of it can be clarified ... to complete beyond recognition. Home - The «author», to present it so that the man was sure - it is his own idea.

We should not hang back: «Let me accept that what I am!». No need to say: «Do not bring the rubbish!». One should not be too smart or «horror what duroy» - in fact it is the same. Better is a «charm of glupenkoy» - this is the wisdom of women. Smart women in family life - always «charm is glupenkaya».

Street acquaintances. How to treat?

In the courtyard of the summer, the beatiful girl are pleased obnazhilis, and young people increased their activity on the part of acquaintances, including the street. On the one hand, you do not know absolutely nothing about podoshedshem man. Yes, he can tell you some facts of his life, but not necessarily that what he said would be true. You can not make any reliable conclusion about the candidate to your fans. How much he earns as a fan of who his friends. Answers to these questions can be any. Outdoor meet and poor students, and owners of corporations. And whether or not to be afraid of street pristavany by men and seen all the young people as prohodimtsev and aferistov who intend to spoil your life?

Perhaps nothing good that your new acquaintance will not end. But think about it too flat score did not know about you and is in a similar situation! Maybe you have a husband and three children, or you want to invite him to the guests to drink before sleeping-pills and obobrat threads. You can not imagine how many men suffered from the street dating!


"Twenty years ago, I went with a friend to arrive in one of St. Petersburg universities. We arrived a few months to have time to prepare. We have removed the apartment, to resolve all the current problems and decided to inspect the city. It was winter, in February.

In the center, we met with two pretty girls and European Women. Surprisingly, the beauty of half an hour later offered to take red wine and go to our guests. We could not abandon the attractive offer. Buy red wine, although usually are not consumed alcohol. I do not remember what happened at the apartment. But I woke up from the cold. He saw that lezhu some shorts. The girls were not, the door is not closed. In the neighboring bed was still asleep, my friend.

I woke comrades in misfortune. Aferistki claimed not only all items of value (gold, watches, money), but all the clothes. All our belongings have disappeared. We stayed in February in a foreign city with no money and clothes. In some swimming trunks! Phone in the apartment was not. In the closet were a holey old housecoat, probably his wife's owner. I dressed him and, as such, went to neighbors, ask to call relatives. Nearly all refused. We had to go to neighboring entrances. By evening, I found a woman who let me, gave tea and allowed to call relatives.

She listened carefully to our zloklyucheniyah and the next day brought us clothes, although no request on our part about this was not. We still support her attitude and periodically presents vozim holiday to Spain or Cyprus. Well you can not forget. "


"I met on the street with a girl. We met several times. She invited me to his guests. When I entered, some destroyed tried to knock me on the head. Jumped out of the room a few Udaltsov. I escaped and ran from the apartment. I am attempted to rob the banal. But I otbivalsya. Fighting continued on the staircase. I miraculously managed to escape from the living and healthy, though slightly scratched. Unfortunately, such stories are regularly taking place with the men who meet on the street or in a bar. "

So who should be afraid of anyone - boy or girl he met her in the street - it is difficult to say. You are a source of potential trouble for a new friend, and he - a street swindler for you. Conclusion: The courageous men, including the issue of street acquaintances.

How to get acquainted with a girl

Often, in private conversations for ryumochkoy, I became a witness or a party to talks on "how to get acquainted with ...". Interestingly, women have always complained about the inability to get acquainted with the boy, citing the same reasons as men, who also wanted the same. Well, actually, not to support / to have the same conversation, which began in the subway or bus. In the night club was not always a contingent, and the problem of the potential sites may be quite different. It remains the best option - to any party, which usually known in advance whether there is a chance of success, but to get or build a party, too easy. I am a bit behind the times on these issues, and usually only support such a conversation, but their concerns had little. And recently, when the topic of some edge and touched me, but at the same time because of the circumstances, I became more often in clubs and at festivals of all kinds, can not help looking around, I began to pay attention to how those same acquaintances fastened. Confess that I simply obeskurazhen my observations. Here are the options that I have seen over the past 2-3 weeks.

It fits the European Glamour Girls at low zaborchike and looks at the scene, where artists are. The crowd of young people. Back to the suits drunk (or more), a young man, missing both hands over her ass and said "Oh bl ...! You got it ..... ohu roll." I could expect anything, just not what it then it will go. Here are the most popular: to come to her, hug her hard-fast with one hand with the words "You go with me." Works with virtually no misses! That I have seen more than a dozen times. Here is a fun way. It fits with the kind of young man the hunter chooses pretendentku. Near the man sits a girl (obviously secretary or do not know really what she status), and nodding his suits or podsazhivaetsya to this girl starts a conversation, and then introduces them to the young man. Compared with all these raskladami normal "girls, take me with you" just relax!

Tusovalas near me just to keep on my legs a handful of young men, apparently came not from the big city. Besides sitting on the grass, three girls. They put on their eyes, but mostly only one of the girls, and then went with them. At first, all went well, and no crime in that no one saw until the remaining two women did not feel that there is nothing he does not shine. They were pulled from the hangouts girlfriend, but she was already in the hands of two boys (and their hands were her everywhere), and it is not going to lose such an elite situation! Only after a perepalki with friends, she did out of the embrace, and they left.

I do not know what these guys said the girls was sitting on them on the other side, but after a few minutes, all of these repeated tiskanya already with them. After a while, one almost undressed, on the other lying tselovalis, and soon went along to the beatiful girls home. I was shocked! Well, I understand that one can be under the wheels or even a dryanyu have another life difficult, but that almost everything I just could not believe it!

Nabravshis arrogance, I have decided also to conduct such an experiment: came close to facing the girl, embraced it in a way that the brush with my hand was her аккурат on the chest, and said some kind of heresy. I do not think that will happen if my experiment fails, though it would be very happy. I waited for slapping, outrage, or at least drop my hands, but nifiga! The girl baldela of my attention and be happy, I called his name ... So I incurable romantic, but can simply dunce, hopelessly down life, but I still believe in the romantic views, smiles and flowers ... Is it sunk into oblivion? One быдло kleit and another to do so is? And any feelings? .. And then how to respect each other, then? Tu girl, I certainly hold up to the house then, but never a wish to meet with her.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Learn the secrets about Russian Girls !

Learn the secrets about Russian Girls ! This affair has been debated abounding times but the catechism still exists:
"Why do a lot of individual men all over the apple accept Russian girls?"
Frankly, I get asked this catechism a lot. What's so appropriate about Russian girls?
If you ask yourself the aforementioned catechism as well, you'll apparently acquisition accessible advice in this article.
According to the latest sensus, Russia is home to 10 actor added women afresh men, said State Statistics Committee arch V.Sokolin.
The amount of women in their 30s exceeds the amount of men significally. After the divorce, the woman with a kid (or with no kids) has little adventitious of accepting affiliated afresh in Russia, according to sociologists.
There are no men in Russia to get affiliated to: bloodshed amount of the animate age males is acutely high.
Keeping these statistics in mind, analysis your dating opportunities in Russia as well. You will be abashed by the superior of Russian girls.
A Russian babe is beautiful.
The adage 'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' confirms that tastes differ. The woman one man considers to be beautiful, addition may anticipate she is not.
Effortless grace...Charming smile...Kindness...Beautiful cheekbones...Fair hair and skin...? Harder to choose...Possibly, it makes an irresistable mix.
Let's see it by the eyes of men.
This is how Western men call a 18-carat Russian girl: "Slant to the eyes...","...I can't abide this beauteous beauty", "Russian girls are the a lot of admirable women I accept seen"...
Should annihilation be added? However, cipher is able to adjudicator by adorableness alone. Let's see added Russian woman's qualities.
The accomplished antecedence is her family.
The woman's alliance age in Russia is about 25 years old. That agency Russian girls get affiliated analogously early. At atomic Russian girls try but abort (see the sensus).
It looks abnormal if a Russian babe at the age of 30 is still unmarried. She feels afflictive either.
These are circadian facts from the Russian woman's life:
~Being awful educated, she would adopt a abiding and blessed ancestors to her career;
~Tireless charge to her admired ones, she keeps the domiciliary herself;
~Her bedmate is a accomplice and not a competitor; Added facts?
Love and romance.
The Russian woman's 'romantic sweetnes' makes her seek for a happy, accomplishing and admiring relationship. A Russian babe is acutely feminine, healthy, sexy, passionate, animal and thankful.
Love-making is not a harder plan for her: it's the amusement and the adorableness of alternate satisfaction. The accuracy is that the Russian babe while authoritative adulation is absolutely authoritative adulation ... A Russian babe wants to see the action in you, so accord it to her! You will not regret.
Russian girls are accomplished and smart.
You will be abundantly afraid at the educational akin of Russian girls searching for men abroad. A university or academy amount is a accepted thing. It's not a bluff.
Don't overlook they are actual spiritual. The attitude of annual books, accessory concerts, museums is still animate in Russia.
Beautiful Russian girls are acutely teachable: you will not accept how bound they are able to activate speaking a new accent and acclimate themselves to the new circumstances.
Russian girls are brave.
Do you anticipate it's simple to leave the country of birth, relatives, friends, the job, and the built-in language? Try... It's acutely difficult.
Ideal image?
This is abiding a accepted annual of admirable Russian girls searching for men abroad.
If you yield into annual the accepted qualities as able-bodied as apply on the absolute woman, you'll be fine.
Start absorption on the woman, acquaint with her, ask and acknowledgment questions, let her apperceive that you are sincere. Be yourself, let her apperceive that you affliction about her - any woman wants to be taken affliction of - how can you go amiss with that?
The appellation 'Russian girl' includes girls from Ukraine and Belarus as well, as they accept actual abundant in common.
There are exceptions so you should be actual accurate in your choice.

Russian Brides Russian Brides

Russian Brides Russian Brides
Its been over hundred years back the abstraction of mail adjustment brides originated and it has been broadly accustomed since. The success belief accept been on a rise, back all the abrogating connotations associated with it accept achromatic out. With the accessory and addition of technology it has rather accepted benign for humans gluttonous Russian Women. Its actual simple to seek for pictures and data to baddest that appropriate one. You can even allotment your experiences, ask questions and apprentice what others accept to say about finding, affair and marrying Russian Mail Adjustment Brides at
Does "Mail Adjustment Brides" complete like a acceptable advantage for award true, abiding love? Even admitting the abstraction of russian brides accept been in existance for decades now but alone a few humans who approved it accept accepted how simple it is to acquisition your accordant partner. With the access of Internet and Online dating, allotment Russian brides has become a accepted and adorable advantage for bags of western men. With just a few clicks, you can access as abounding Russian girls about the apple who could be your abiding love. To acquisition more, amuse appointment us
RWGuide's mission is to brainwash those of you who wish to apperceive added about Russian women. Created accurately to accord Russian women the appropriate acknowledgment and advice them acquisition a acceptable match, RWGuide covers all aspects of Russian women dating and Russian matchmaking. Agency services, email forwarding, Fiancee visas, Romance Tours, Travel to Russia and Ukraine. We aswell advice with cultural and sociological differences, alienated scams, cruise reports, sending gifts, Russian accent translations, tips on how to abstain the pitfalls of Russian women dating and award your ideal Russian helpmate etc.

Don't abase Russian women! Just so: don't humiliate!

Don't abase Russian women! Just so: don't humiliate!
There are things that are absurd to change: this abominable appellation "mail adjustment brides" or the average assessment that the economical bearings in Russia is absolutely bad and humans reside ailing and accordingly women are accessible to ally even a devil for the account of a candied activity in the West.
But if you are searching for your soulmate, your added half, your love, bandy such thoughts abroad out of your mind! Yes, a lot of likely, she isn't rich. It is absolutely accessible that she earns a ages what you acquire a day. But she is a personality with her own dreams, ethics and dignity, searching for love.
It was a letter of one American man to a Russian adult that fabricated me address about it. Actuality is the FULL letter we accustomed on our web website ChanceForLove - Dating Russian brides :
"Please acquaint me added about yourself. I accomplish $200,000/yr US$
And actuality is what the adult answered to him:
«Hello David,
Thanks for your letter but I accept I wouldn't be absorbed in a man who tells annihilation about him and his personality except the money he makes. You see I am not absorbed in affair a bag of money. I am absorbed in the personality. I am searching for a austere correspondence. So I came to the cessation that you are not my type. I ambition you acceptable luck in your added search.
Women are vulnerable. You are allotment Russian women for their ancestors ethics and at the aforementioned time bruise on their feelings, biting at these values.
You will say that we just came beyond a absurd man and we shouldn't draw abstracts from his letter. But there are too abounding belletrist of this kind. Anyone boasts of his income, anyone considers the country of abode to be his alone arete account of advertence in the aboriginal letter:
Are you still searching for a approaching accomplice from the UK. If so let me apperceive by return.
Impersonal letters, as admitting accounting by a robot. Do you anticipate women can't feel it?
"Hello, Martin.
Thanks a lot for your note, but I should say that I am not absorbed in a man who is not able to address added than one book to accomplish a babe absorbed in him. Having apprehend your letter, I accept alone two thoughts about you. Either you accept beatific your letter to bags of women and you are cat-and-mouse who will acknowledge to you or you are apathetic to address about yourself added than one sentence. Anyway, I do not ambition to accord with you.
"Hello, Martin.
Thanks a lot for your message.
Why did you adjudge that I am searching for my accomplice in the UK? I am searching for him all over the world.
But I do not apperceive whether it would be you. I apperceive annihilation about you except that you are from the UK, but it does not beggarly that you accept all the qualities I am searching for in a man... (enumerates the qualities she is seeking)...If you are such a person, I anticipate that we can abide our associate if you are not I ambition you acceptable luck in you search
There are aswell abounding belletrist that alpha after a woman's name or, even worse, acclamation addition woman.
Let's carelessness this arcade vocabulary, if some humans accede added ones as goods.
They say that God disconnected anniversary animal getting into two behindhand and broadcast these behindhand all over the world. Anyone was destined to be built-in in Russia, anyone in America, or France. But all these humans are fabricated of the aforementioned "dough". Remember about it if you sit down to address "hello!" next time.

Russian Bride Agency Conspiracies

Russian Helpmate Bureau Conspiracies You apprehend all over the internet involving NEGATIVE OPINIONS on how Russian Helpmate agencies run their business. It about seems that accustomed there is a new cabal developing over such-n-such bureau and how they DO BUSINESS. That their bureau is a scam, the Russian women are affected and the consistently ample answer of "I've paid about $200 and not one babe has anytime accounting me back!" I've even heard men say that about all of the Russian Helpmate sites accept the aforementioned girls, that a absolutely abundant bureau will not allotment their girls, etc. But my friends, there are consistently TWO SIDES to every story, and conceivably afterwards account this article, you will anticipate alert BEFORE announcement out your own cabal theory....
There are abounding dating sites that accommodate the aforementioned profiles. When I was a affiliate of so abounding years ago, I acclimated to see the aforementioned girls all the time on added sites as well, such as, udate and beast personals. We all abutting assorted sites to advance ourselves out -- to accept added options. And during that time, I can say that I abutting about every website imaginable. So would you accede that all of these sites are complex in some affectionate of cabal because they accept the aforementioned profiles?
A man analytic for a Russian helpmate joins 2-3 sites at once, writes to abounding ladies, gets his photo in the website archive that is presented to Russian women... so that's 3 website catalogues he is now a affiliate of. The ladies see his photo in 3 altered catalogues and activate to wonder... is he complex in a cabal again too, artlessly because he has abutting 2-3 altered Russian Helpmate sites?
A man describes himself as accepting wealthy, acceptable searching and successful... and he sends out 400 emails cogent Russian women how he is a God in bed, how women adulation him and adoration the arena he walks upon. How he loves to accept cybersex and invites all Russian women to accompany him in on the fun... yet not one letter was returned. Is this a conspiracy?
Business is business -- consistently has been and consistently will be. Allotment of the success to any dating website is accepting a ample database to allure new customers. Profiles hardly anytime get removed -- and while some do abolish the old profiles, a lot of do not. My contour is still on abounding of the added dating sites and I can't get them to abolish it because I forgot the email abode I acclimated to assurance up with. This was 5 years ago too!
Russian girls are animal too -- and they advance themselves out too by abutting abounding altered alliance agencies. Abounding of the Russian helpmate sites use absolute alliance agencies amid in Russia, and abounding of these agencies are NOT absolute to just one helpmate site. They are all in business to accomplish money, so you cannot accusation them for overextension themselves out too. And afterwards a while, these aforementioned Russian girls overlook which alliance agencies they abutting up with, lose acquaintance or whatever, and their profiles break consistently in the database. It's allotment of the dating business and will consistently be like that. Nobody's accountability absolutely -- but don't accusation a dating bureau for not deleting a contour artlessly because a user has abandoned to acquaintance them and acquaint them to abolish it.
Agencies are not the bad guys nor the acceptable guys. They are a business, apparent and simple. They accept a account of over 30,000 audience -- so do you absolutely apprehend them to alarm every individual women and ask if their still single? Does do that? For the record, does any dating website do that? Of advance not and it's antic to anticipate that they should.
And what about autograph those belletrist and not accepting any responses? Well, what about it?!! Write some added and accumulate on truckin'! Not anybody is traveling to anticipate you're as abundant as YOU assume to apperceive that you are. That's life... get acclimated to disappointment. I beatific out apparently bags of belletrist in my 4 years of online dating, and at best, I ability accept gotten maybe a 15% acknowledgment rate. In my opinion, that is in fact appealing acceptable too. Online dating is not easier, so don't be a fool and anticipate it is. It alone gives you added options to affair added humans -- but forth ancillary of that aswell comes added rejections.
So the next time you apprehend a negative"Opinion" about how Russian dating agencies are handled, just bethink one thing... they are in business to accomplish money; and whether or not the practices of assertive agencies ability be argued as accepting ILLEGITIMATE, you consistently still accept the best of NOT JOINING. If you accept a assertive bureau carries a awful reputation, again why bother abutting it in the aboriginal place? Just move on and acquisition addition website to accompany that you feel added adequate with. Acceptable luck!