Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where is the woman to get acquainted with a man

Introduction: Theory and Practice

Cupid arrows do not know the rest. For them, there is no barrier. They can nastignut us everywhere - in university labs and student dormitories, schools and shops, in offices with евроремонтом and ZhEKe. In buses, trains, parks and even in hospitals. At work and at leisure. These insidious boom nastigayut us when we do not expect. And immediately - sick ... Let's try to analyze where the highest probability of being infected by the disease, the name of love. The disease is considered to be meeting or acquaintance, so it is them we podvergnem detailed review - place to meet the likelihood of a successful place prodolzheniya.Pervoe divided friendship during their studies and work.

During his studies


Here, a great variety of options - learning can take place in schools, universities, the training courses. Universities can be found, or in his native city, or in another, separation from mother to father. But all the while dating a variety of studies have much in common - it is very easy and unostentatious acquaintance. Because you meet and communicate on the case: the real or to - what is, in principle, the difference. Moreover, there are many situations where several Amuro nosyatsya in the air - one failing: the joint preparation for exams, prolonged into the night, summer or autumn, the practice of collective farm, student dining room - nothing brings together a meal that can not be eaten. And if you're no longer a student, and so no longer a schoolboy, do not worry - the terms are so many courses where you are waiting.


She studied at our institute, one beatiful girls. Her name was Light. It was a very good girl, she lived with my mother, and none met the five years of study. On the distribution of it rydala three-stream - in her hometown she did not have jobs. Light and drove in a foreign city to work and live in a dormitory. It so happened that we arrived there a lot, but Light still weep away half-year - old girl was home and very bored. In winter, she was sent for training in the Domodedovo, and left it again in tears. But a month later came the Light shining like a new penny: it met in the course of a young man, they soon married and had to leave it in Peter. And if she could stay in his native town?

Pluses: You see people often and in different circumstances.

Disadvantages: You can pick up twos or even out of school.

At work


What good are they dating - is being closer to the man in the everyday environment, one can observe the reactions of people in everyday situations: for example, shout at the chief or during lunch burger fell on the suit. And just as in the case of the study, you have a common cause. A total otmechaniya holidays, travel mushrooms or at sea at the weekend - This is a romantic component, which gives impetus to the development of these relations.


Some time ago I worked at the factory, one of the bureau. Team podobralsya young and cheerful. During the first six months, was formed three pairs. The Chief looked at us with inexpressible sorrow. As it turned out, predchuvstviya he was not deceived ...

Pros: There is always a topic for razgovora.Minusy: Can hit the manufacturing process or your reputation, if you have a very different position.

The second meeting took place with the participation of common acquaintances.


Most common situation: you come to the birthday of his married girlfriend (married friend), and they meet him (her). Or do you introduce your special general acquaintances. There is a natural variant svatovstva: your older relatives to help you decide, and you are trying to find the second half. And while this is all the different emotions of snishoditelnoy smiles to the terrible outrage, often the case that such meetings were very successful continuation.


I have two friends. Both Tani. One of them acquainted with the man for whom she later married. And she is very encouraged by this way of acquaintance, has decided to introduce Tanyu-2 with a friend of his boy - how would pass the baton. But once it does not zaladilos. At first, Tanya-1 was going to take druzhkoy girlfriend to the wedding, but Сашу (the so-called candidate for the introduction) - Boyarina. But if druzhkoy all out, with no boyarinom - Sasha has not been able to come. Then there were attempts to Number 2 and 3, but they failed. We all decided that it was not destiny. But Tanya-1 did not give up. He was taken counterstroke: Tanya and Sasha Cross were invited to a newborn daughter Tani-1. At krestinah they first observed. And it really was destiny.

Pluses: There you have decided to part. Just a good option for nereshitelnyh people.

Disadvantages: Many people do not carry such an intervention in their lives.

In third place were dating services.


The long-range, for a place to put these contacts. Usually there is something, but there must be patience, endurance and a clear knowledge of what you want. It would seem that with such a calculating approach Amuru do nothing. But no, the number of the successful continuation of dating high enough. Personally, I am confused by the large field to choose. And all of this seems somewhat tedious.


One very nice guy, sociable, and "no bad habits" met his future wife on the ad. I did not pass, said:

- What is it? You're also easy to get acquainted with the beatiful girl?

- Of course, it is easy. But just as easily and rasstayus. And then another. Maybe it was a pity to spent time, who knows? Or all the same fate?

Pluses: Wide range.

Disadvantages: Large selection. It is not always consistent with the validity of the information provided in the ad.

Fourth place favored resort novels.


Oh, those dlinnonogie beauty in bikini! Even yesterday, they were invisible accountants or teachers, but now men are falling, and are folded in stacks. The course of severe illness, fever, palpitation. But the holiday is over, and all the symptoms pass quickly. Continuation of the case, but very rarely.


Dasha always distrust related to new acquaintances at sea. One day she came in a small seaside town. The girl came to the aunt, and frankly bored. But still, all the adhesive kurortnikov she politely otshivala. And then history happened that changed her life. Storm. Dasha loved to swim in such weather. And though it is well to swim, this time Dasha nearly drowned. She pulled ashore guy. Artificial respiration do not have to. And learn they met. The remaining week they were not separated, and it turned out that they are from one city. And now they are still together.

Pros: Very romantic.

Disadvantages: In order to further the successful continuation of friendship must be able to write. Or be prepared for a large bill for the phone.

Fifth place solidly won acquaintances on the Internet.


Now very popular read in chat rooms. But we must tell you - the projections are not very reassuring. In the real and the Internet - two different people. Our virtual image somewhat stronger reveals our inner essence, because we have learned to be Reale masks and closed. On the other hand, we have virtual - is in many ways is what we want to be in real life, but lacks the courage. Here you will find wonderful virtual buddy (and, incidentally, is not as easy as it seems). You know it tastes and take a bunch of compliments your mind and sense of humor. That is still no love, and understanding have already been established. Yes, unless you went beyond the virtual friendship, it's just great. But you decided to do so to meet a living. That's all. Well, or not quite all, but in any case, light or heavy shock frustration with eye contact, you experience. But Internet dating potential is, in fact, you can slowly learn the views of each other on any global or not a value. So derzayte!


In one chat met Kisa and NEO. They were one of the city. They communicate very well at first in a chat, and then on ICQ. Once all Tradititional visitors chat, it was decided to drink пивка. Popili, pereznakomilis. Kisa was very attractive tolstushkoy, but does not taste NEO. They continue to chat, but love is not everything is translated.

Pros: Ability to slowly learn the tastes of another.

Disadvantages: It does not always match the virtual and real friend.

At the sixth spot - Getting on trains, on the streets, public transport, shops.


You do not have much to say - with every one of us happened that something like this, and, with rare exceptions, nothing putnogo of this goes.


Allochka - a very pretty European glamour Girls and made sociable. She manages to get acquainted everywhere, even at the reception with a dentist. Last spring, she was going to her parents on the train. Her neighbor on the coupe was a very likeable guy. They talked a lot, but came out smoking. Guy vyskakival at the stops and returning to the pies, pear, water and even flowers. In general, Allochka by the end of the road just rastayala. They exchanged telephone and parted. A Allochka discovered that she had lost money - quite a large amount. After that incident, it has become more cautious.

Pluses: You depends whether or not to continue the acquaintance.

Disadvantages: The dating for some reason do not like mothers.

The next type of friendship I had made in a separate item and can not pinpoint its location: Meeting of former classmates.


The rare cases. But oddly enough, almost always with good extension - in the school the focus is not seen each other, but then passes a year, two or even all ten years, and found that it erupts. And Cupid is already there as here, and usually not promazyvaet.


One, my friend said that was srazhena saw his former odnoklassnika in flight form. "You see, we are at school always falls in love with those who are older. His not noticed. And then - a handsome man. And I, too, has changed. Pohudela, learned to paint. Odevatsya again it was the best." They were to meet. And now they have grown daughter.

Pluses: You already know, you already have, what to say.

Disadvantages: You have been familiar, can be a problem with romance.

Perhaps everyone has that add. Therefore, this article does not purport to be complete. There is a chance to discover everywhere. And any. And only two of you to determine whether the continuation of the friendship. And whether it would be successful.

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