Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Street acquaintances. How to treat?

In the courtyard of the summer, the beatiful girl are pleased obnazhilis, and young people increased their activity on the part of acquaintances, including the street. On the one hand, you do not know absolutely nothing about podoshedshem man. Yes, he can tell you some facts of his life, but not necessarily that what he said would be true. You can not make any reliable conclusion about the candidate to your fans. How much he earns as a fan of who his friends. Answers to these questions can be any. Outdoor meet and poor students, and owners of corporations. And whether or not to be afraid of street pristavany by men and seen all the young people as prohodimtsev and aferistov who intend to spoil your life?

Perhaps nothing good that your new acquaintance will not end. But think about it too flat score did not know about you and is in a similar situation! Maybe you have a husband and three children, or you want to invite him to the guests to drink before sleeping-pills and obobrat threads. You can not imagine how many men suffered from the street dating!


"Twenty years ago, I went with a friend to arrive in one of St. Petersburg universities. We arrived a few months to have time to prepare. We have removed the apartment, to resolve all the current problems and decided to inspect the city. It was winter, in February.

In the center, we met with two pretty girls and European Women. Surprisingly, the beauty of half an hour later offered to take red wine and go to our guests. We could not abandon the attractive offer. Buy red wine, although usually are not consumed alcohol. I do not remember what happened at the apartment. But I woke up from the cold. He saw that lezhu some shorts. The girls were not, the door is not closed. In the neighboring bed was still asleep, my friend.

I woke comrades in misfortune. Aferistki claimed not only all items of value (gold, watches, money), but all the clothes. All our belongings have disappeared. We stayed in February in a foreign city with no money and clothes. In some swimming trunks! Phone in the apartment was not. In the closet were a holey old housecoat, probably his wife's owner. I dressed him and, as such, went to neighbors, ask to call relatives. Nearly all refused. We had to go to neighboring entrances. By evening, I found a woman who let me, gave tea and allowed to call relatives.

She listened carefully to our zloklyucheniyah and the next day brought us clothes, although no request on our part about this was not. We still support her attitude and periodically presents vozim holiday to Spain or Cyprus. Well you can not forget. "


"I met on the street with a girl. We met several times. She invited me to his guests. When I entered, some destroyed tried to knock me on the head. Jumped out of the room a few Udaltsov. I escaped and ran from the apartment. I am attempted to rob the banal. But I otbivalsya. Fighting continued on the staircase. I miraculously managed to escape from the living and healthy, though slightly scratched. Unfortunately, such stories are regularly taking place with the men who meet on the street or in a bar. "

So who should be afraid of anyone - boy or girl he met her in the street - it is difficult to say. You are a source of potential trouble for a new friend, and he - a street swindler for you. Conclusion: The courageous men, including the issue of street acquaintances.

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