Saturday, January 31, 2009

What a man excited?

In preparation for this article was a small study, Express - a survey of men aged 27 to 37 years. That is, the age of specially selected the most active, "clockwork." Among the respondents' macho ': 1 Bulgarian, 3 Russians, 2 Americans, 1 Chuvash, 1 Englishman, 1 Ukrainian and 1 Georgian. Here are that the whole "excellent scores" absolutely match and were positive. So, ladies, straining Brains and memorable. From what exactly brought by men, regardless of nationality and temperament.

1. In his view, clearly gets the beatiful girls in oblegayuschey clothes. Especially men's eyes rest on obtyanutoy Popkov, breasts, thighs. The most erotic clothes men called a long dark skirt with a high on the thigh cut (or two!), So that it "inadvertently" vyglyadyvali foot rezinochkami of stockings.

This fine piece starts specifically. The same reaction for men to cut blouses with rasstegnutoy pugovkoy, which is about raspahnetsya of tension in the rough, and the button rasstegnetsya. Anyone looking at this delicious depression in the ground, hopes to see all that is hidden below and touch. And begins to worry.

2. "The whole secret of women in dresses, not keeping secrets nudity - govarivali ancient Lovelace. Contemporary with them in solidarity. All agreed that more erotic looks polurazdetaya woman, but not completely Nagaya. A man more factories if his imagination "dorisovyvaet" invisible part of the female body.

This process excites. Men love to contemplate the lady in the heart of erotic underwear, rather than in a night shirt to the floor. Especially clothes, which is only a hint: the transparent and well-cut. As for the color of clothes, a little more focus.

3. The color of women's underwear on scientific observations (of the same scientists, men) make an impact at the subconscious level. If you are a good lover, there is usually more than just spend money on the red (raspberry) and black clothes. Red operates on the lover, as noted, all 10 men, vozbuzhdayusche, izluchaya special energy. They see a woman in such accessories as lyubovnitsu, which can hold raskovanno, without any obstacles and constraints. They etakom linen see a sign: You can feel free to experiment, combining active and passive (giving women a leading role in the sexual game). If the lady suddenly yellow clothes (though the color does not instigate), the men took it that the owner of his lengthy waits quality sex, but not rabbit game for a moment.

Holder of purple and pink underwear, men are perceived as lady sensual, impassioned, but several stesnennuyu moral norms and prejudices.

The woman in blue underwear, men feel (sorry) "beam in bed", which should work, work. And all without result. This lazy lady looks only at the active partner. In general, blue linen for the most ill-considered our "ten".

Green clothes, think they are on a woman who wants only one of the partner, and a brown women prefer sexually repressed.

White. He saw our lovers for most women. See it neutrally, without a mark on a particular individual inclination.

That's the color layout. Keep in mind its buying regular women's things. And remember, lovely ladies, that much more important is your behavior in bed. Even the most correct and erotichnoe clothes will not help if you are lazy, zakompleksovannaya neumeha sex.

4. Of course, all the men (and the interviewees in the first place) like when a woman appreciates it (out loud and repeatedly) as "a great lover." Admiringly looks. Not just watching, and the duration of the male sees his dignity, "raising" his eyes "iznemogayuschey of female desire." What does this mean? He knows any woman who loves sex. And you know any man who loves a woman.

5. Men admitted that very excites if they suddenly find out that no Beatiful Girl in their underwear. This "delayed-action bomb"! If you have a favorite news reporting during a slow dance at a party in the crowded nightclub. Do not be surprised if he was then urgently drag you in a quiet corner and do something pleasant. Hamper useless themselves provoked "African passion".

6. Of course, your favorite forget about tiredness and trouble working day, if you met him at the door almost golenkoy (in one or byustgaltere belt of stockings) with innocent eyes. Take for a tie and leads straight into the bedroom, where he will see not only break postelku, zadvinutye curtains, but elegant dinner for two at the table.

7. None of the dozens of not deny itself the pleasure of this: when suddenly his favorite moves and caresses his gun through the pockets of trousers. And doing those numbers almost prilyudno (but quietly!): At a party at the stadium, in the theater (!) And elsewhere.

8. The same men agreed that they like "extreme traveler." When a woman is not simply poglazhivaet their treasure when riding in a car, as it has done something pokruche. The main thing in such dangerous games - look at the road and not get involved in high speed.

9. And, of course, all you want your lover by offering the most unexpected places for sex: from an abandoned shed with senovalom escalator to the subway!

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