Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to get acquainted with a girl

Often, in private conversations for ryumochkoy, I became a witness or a party to talks on "how to get acquainted with ...". Interestingly, women have always complained about the inability to get acquainted with the boy, citing the same reasons as men, who also wanted the same. Well, actually, not to support / to have the same conversation, which began in the subway or bus. In the night club was not always a contingent, and the problem of the potential sites may be quite different. It remains the best option - to any party, which usually known in advance whether there is a chance of success, but to get or build a party, too easy. I am a bit behind the times on these issues, and usually only support such a conversation, but their concerns had little. And recently, when the topic of some edge and touched me, but at the same time because of the circumstances, I became more often in clubs and at festivals of all kinds, can not help looking around, I began to pay attention to how those same acquaintances fastened. Confess that I simply obeskurazhen my observations. Here are the options that I have seen over the past 2-3 weeks.

It fits the European Glamour Girls at low zaborchike and looks at the scene, where artists are. The crowd of young people. Back to the suits drunk (or more), a young man, missing both hands over her ass and said "Oh bl ...! You got it ..... ohu roll." I could expect anything, just not what it then it will go. Here are the most popular: to come to her, hug her hard-fast with one hand with the words "You go with me." Works with virtually no misses! That I have seen more than a dozen times. Here is a fun way. It fits with the kind of young man the hunter chooses pretendentku. Near the man sits a girl (obviously secretary or do not know really what she status), and nodding his suits or podsazhivaetsya to this girl starts a conversation, and then introduces them to the young man. Compared with all these raskladami normal "girls, take me with you" just relax!

Tusovalas near me just to keep on my legs a handful of young men, apparently came not from the big city. Besides sitting on the grass, three girls. They put on their eyes, but mostly only one of the girls, and then went with them. At first, all went well, and no crime in that no one saw until the remaining two women did not feel that there is nothing he does not shine. They were pulled from the hangouts girlfriend, but she was already in the hands of two boys (and their hands were her everywhere), and it is not going to lose such an elite situation! Only after a perepalki with friends, she did out of the embrace, and they left.

I do not know what these guys said the girls was sitting on them on the other side, but after a few minutes, all of these repeated tiskanya already with them. After a while, one almost undressed, on the other lying tselovalis, and soon went along to the beatiful girls home. I was shocked! Well, I understand that one can be under the wheels or even a dryanyu have another life difficult, but that almost everything I just could not believe it!

Nabravshis arrogance, I have decided also to conduct such an experiment: came close to facing the girl, embraced it in a way that the brush with my hand was her аккурат on the chest, and said some kind of heresy. I do not think that will happen if my experiment fails, though it would be very happy. I waited for slapping, outrage, or at least drop my hands, but nifiga! The girl baldela of my attention and be happy, I called his name ... So I incurable romantic, but can simply dunce, hopelessly down life, but I still believe in the romantic views, smiles and flowers ... Is it sunk into oblivion? One быдло kleit and another to do so is? And any feelings? .. And then how to respect each other, then? Tu girl, I certainly hold up to the house then, but never a wish to meet with her.

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