Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The recipe for marital happiness, or should a woman be smart?

«Women are glupenkie what the fascination and horror of what Dura», - said

Жванецкий. There are two options. Third is not given. Smart women are not taken into consideration. It does not exist. As a species, as a class, as a person.

Yes, I'm joking. But - false tale, but it hints ...

How often hear:

«Well, fool, an absolute fool! But as well ustroilas ... And her husband - pure gold. The other - a complete sentence, life awry. And this ... », - and envy sochitsya of these words. Justified, by the way, envy.

But a small detail: whether such a fool? Maybe this is not congenital stupidity, and worldly wisdom, which dictates a woman: do not be smarter than her chosen one. You do not need to be stronger than he.

The man wants to be strong. It is rooted in it since the caves and rock charts. Male - getter. Anyone who was able to fire pritaschit sablezubogo tiger skin, a piece of mammoth privolok for hot - demand. Anyone who has only pity mouse caught only because she had a broken leg, do not need anyone. He was not in a position to support a family. His rod vymret.

And how a man feels that dovolok before the entrance to the cave mammoth carcass and suddenly discovered that it had already delivered a nice home to dozens of mammoths, cave bears and a pair of tigers - for polovichka in bed? Whether he feels, should be recognized. The first thought that zakradyvaetsya in his head: «Why, indeed, I need it?».

Here it is, the critical time of marriage. The man felt unnecessary. With this second, he sees his Glamour Girls lives with suspicion. She is too independent. She is too independent. Moreover, it allows me to criticize his hunting trophies. Reacted with disdain for his methods of hunting. She said he was too stupid and weak to provide her with a comfortable life. And even if it does not say it shows that all of its behavior. She dared to throw them dobytuyu mamontyatinu, which was that the meat had already protuhlo. «Honey, are you me, of course, sorry, but until you taschilsya three days this fileynoy clippings, she poobtrepalas. Look, here you zatsepilsya of bitches, and pieces of flesh stuck crust. But traces of what you portage flesh on the ground ... too many germs. Sorry, but you will have to be disposed of. In an extreme case, give the dog. Maybe it eat ... ».

But the meat is served to a table. Three times a day. Artistic baked in banana leaves. The meat produced has not ...

In the meantime, around vertyatsya single women who delight poglyadyvayut at the notorious tenderloin, abandoned dogs. Beatiful girl who are not able to extract the meat.

Remember the movie «Moscow does not believe in tears»? The canonical case - a man takes a woman because she earns more than he. And he has such a principle: a man should be dobytchikom family. It's wife-chief (in this case - the director of the factory) to anything.

So what? Women should keep even the dreams of a career? They can not even think that to earn something more than money to the secretary selsovete?

Yes do! All can be - and the career and salary, anything. Even in this very kinoshnom example, a man finally returned. But here's the secret - why he is back. Indeed, the principles have not changed. But ... it is understood that the head of the family - this is not the one who makes more money, a large mammoth carcass, a fluffy tiger skin. He understood the most important: it is - you need. Let his choice - the director of the plant, though it has such a salary, which he had not even dreamed of. Let. But there is something that can only do it. He does not just need it, he - is necessary.

You do not pay attention to the curious fact: «CID» far less likely to drop out of their husbands. The motivation is simple: «What it will do without me? It is fool. It has to take care of themselves can not ». Duru Roll - it's like to throw a blind kitten. Not every hand is raised.

The further emancipation comes, the more we hear women's complaints to men. Classical complaint: the whole house for me! I earn, I obstiryvayu, I cook, I have children. And he - like a child, you'd like to nurse. It does not work, lay on the couch all day. Sponger!

Yes, the boarder. Therefore boarder that it immediately, from the first day of marriage, set in an environment that he did not feel fit. Do not see where can exert their strength and energy. As a result of these forces prikladyvayutsya very peculiar. A woman needs a child, which she could nurse? Please! Here is her «baby».

Of course, sometimes it's just gigolo. But in such «detkami» become quite normal initially men. They just do such. Among the best of intentions. And then, of course, heard rydaniya Cinderella.

Do you think that a woman who made a career, raised children in bezdelnika-husband - and all alone! - Brain? Nothing of the sort. Using the classification Zhvanetsky it - «horror what fool».

Smart woman has the opportunity to be in the eyes of her husband «charm of glupenkoy», to be «duroy» in the best sense of the word. Toy duroy, which need to worry that you can not leave - because it needs the support and reliance. Next to a «duroy» man feels Hercules breaking fall nemeyskogo lion bylinnym hero won enemies, cave man who puller its nice svezhezadavlennogo (with his bare hands!) Tiger for elegant loincloths ... He feels necessary.

And in fact to make a man feel needed, that he was convinced that the most appropriate, do not want to throw a forward-looking or portray itself clinical idiotku. Just will not occur in the favorite male callouses. Enough to give way to a man place the head of the family. Suppose a woman's voice will be only consultative, not decisive. Believe me, a man who feels a need, rasshibetsya in lepeshku to do for his woman everything that she wants. And in fact it will be a crucial advisory vote. Quiet and calm. Laskovyj and gentle. And no team ( «Thou shalt do as I want!»).

We eventually learned to deal with the Chiefs. On this subject written by a variety of benefits. Including women. And everywhere that: the chief can not be inconsistent. More precisely, it is possible, but ... in some way. Do not tell the Chief: «You're wrong!». This is the right way to dismissal. The same point could be referred to another: «Your idea is great! I just want to make some clarification ... ». If the chief is smart, he, of course, understand that these refinements completely replace his idea to another. But again, if he is smart, he will see which of the ideas better. Such wording proposal would save face, and the chief and staff to achieve its goals.

We all know that. The annex to the work and career. But why not make such an art of command in their own family? If you say to her husband: «Dear, your idea is great!» - He simply grow as ferns of Ivan Kupala. And the idea of it can be clarified ... to complete beyond recognition. Home - The «author», to present it so that the man was sure - it is his own idea.

We should not hang back: «Let me accept that what I am!». No need to say: «Do not bring the rubbish!». One should not be too smart or «horror what duroy» - in fact it is the same. Better is a «charm of glupenkoy» - this is the wisdom of women. Smart women in family life - always «charm is glupenkaya».

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