Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ten differences between boys and girls

Science states: no evidence in favor of the fact that beatiful girls brains were arranged in a different way than men, it is not known, however, it is clear that men and women differ not only visually. What is the reason for these differences - a controversial issue, there are many compelling arguments in favor of the fact that different men's and women's societal.

1. When the boys are like beatiful girl, they prikidyvayutsya smart. And girls are like when the boys prikidyvayutsya stupid. Boys prikidyvayutsya clever, because it understood: all other things being equal a smart more chances. And girls - if the boy had not so much strain, pretending that he is smarter.

2. Boys never nadenut nothing uncomfortable for beauty. A girl never nadenut anything ugly sake of convenience. Among boys, except to the heroes of Hollywood movies, who like to climb onto the roof of a train in the long cloak-and-tumble of dirt in the white shirt, and peppers, which are acquainted with the parents loved the girl. Among the girls there are no exceptions. If the girl said that odelas because of duratski for convenience, then it koketnichaet - again, it has a bad taste - two.

3. In bed, boys were afraid that the girl did not end. And girls are afraid that the boy konchit too fast. It only seems that the boys said altruism and concern for girls shkurnye interests. Boys make girls finish in first place for their own pleasure - when they feel this is very steep. And girls are experiencing for boys, where everything is happening too quickly, because it knows how the boys because of this frustrating.

4. Boys problems with induction. Girls with deduktsiey. All the fun of the women's logic. Yes, girls really happen problems umozaklyucheniyami from the general to private, so they are difficult to conclusions about the fact that what should be: whether he likes me, so sleep with me, whether he sleeps with me, therefore, does not like - scat разберись, but the boys are even worse - they are not able to inferences from private to general, as well, the representative of a strong sex is not able to understand that if he was asked to not be late for your birthday and call for a time in which he promised hence, to visit the park, too, is to arrive on time.

5. The boys are trying to be like European glamour Girls, and girls want to be like boys. And it spoke in favor of the fact that the boy be better. On the other hand, if you think twice: before you - a girl, you can be proud of such things, that the boy be proud of as stupid as the fact that he is a member (and, incidentally, some consider it sufficient reason for pride), for example, its financial independence.

6. The boys believe that the more they are a member, the better, and girls do not think so, because they know, this is painful.

7. The boys know how to find a common language with the computer, and girls are able to find common language with the boys, who are able to find common language with computers. Nobody knows why the boys with all the computers get better than that of girls. There is a suspicion that the girls simply have no incentive to develop their abilities in this direction, if they are involved with such zeal boys. Ever since the first Manufactories known: the division of labor increases productivity, and why deprive the boys another opportunity to demonstrate our superiority?

8. Girls overestimate the ability to think for boys, while boys underestimate the ability of the same girls. Contrary baykam the weakness of the female intellect, girls are able to build a complex strategy to win, prirucheniyu, re-boys. But these policies often do not work. And all because they are based on a strong assumption - the boys are able to think: "And then he thought that I ..." he did not think, and not because the fool. And because he believes that girls do not know how to think, so it can and it does not strain.

9. Boys are not as emotional as girls. More like, from early childhood girls pity when they cry and abuse of boys, girls praise when they crash on dedushkinoy neck in a fit of tenderness and boys call to be more restrained, so let the boys know: their iron character - not their merit and girls become wet on parental mercy. So let us without mutual claims.

10. Boys are drawn to the girls, and girls - to boys. Girls like to meet and swearing in general, and his boys in particular. The boys talk about girls is not so often, but if you still do it, you can not resist and do without ironic comment, however, run for girls, boys and girls - for boys. Weird but true.

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